Ratios darling hubby wrote a very . Making us girls acquainted with the point of view of the opposite sex. We all were totally impressed and agreed to every word he said. So let’s take the same thought a little further.
To stay fit and maintain your shape a regular workout helps a lot. But when it comes to losing weight and getting back in shape, a regular workout or exercise routine won’t suffice. You will have to take it a step further and take care of your diet in order to lose weight. Even the gym instructors would tell you so. Exercise and diet are the two sides of a coin. You can achieve weight loss with just one of them. A regular exercise routine and a healthy diet is your route to salvation.
I’m following a Indian diet myself by a leading dietician. Me, my cousin, some of her friends and a lot of people I know have taken diet from this dietician. And we all have lost a considerable amount of weight to say the least.
You must be thinking that the diets given by the dieticians are personalized then how can we all follow the same diet routine with our different weights and blood groups. For starters, he doesn’t gives the diet according to the blood group. Though, generally the diets given by dieticians are personalized. I have noticed a similarity In the diets given to me.
and others. And since now, that I know his diets are universal. I’d want YOU, Ratios lovely readers to reap its fruit as well.
When I first went to this dietician, he told me to get some blood tests done. Like thyroid checkup, blood sugar, serum insulin in my case since I have. So it’s just not about losing weight but getting to know the underlying reason of piling on the kilos. In my case it was increased serum insulin levels. But in my cousins case all her tests wee OK, she was gaining weight because of her erratic routine and the junk food she so loved. So if you think that you are doing everything right but still gaining weight, the first thing you should be doing is finding the underlying reason for it.
First things first, If everything with you is fine your weight gain is due to lethargy, wrong dietary habits and erratic routine. So When u go on a diet make sure that whatever plan u follow it must be timed right as well. You must wake up latest by 8:00 ( that’s for the late risers, even I used to wake up by 10 or 11). This is the most important thing in your routine because the body has its own clock and you shouldn’t mess with it.
This diet is split in 4 weeks period with the diet changing every week.
Before starting the diet weigh yourself and write it down somewhere. This way you know where you started and you feel good to see the scales going down.
Some things you need to follow this diet:
- No salt after 7:30
- No aerated drinks. Yes that includes even the diet version.
- Restrict mango and banana
- Restrict potato and rice.
- No artificial juices as well.
- Half an hour of aerobic exercise daily. If u want to join a gym good enough. But if due to any reason maybe time or money constraint u can’t join a gym. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes to do some aerobics, a skipping rope to do at least 500 skips (5 sets of 100 skips and increasing it as you go). 1.5 -2 kg dumbbells for toning your upper body. Just these basic things and you are set.
- 20 mind of breathing exercise. ( I’m talking about Babs Ramrodded Ramayana)
Week 1
8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) – 2 glasses of meth seeds water ( soak 1tsp of meth seeds in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the meth seeds and drink the water. Helps a lot in water retention and bloating) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 Kali smirch u don’t have to chew it just swallow it down.
9:00 am – 1 toast (brown bread) with maul lite buttr / hung curd dressing/ salad and chutney
11:30 am – one fruit of your wish
1:30 pm – A small plate of salad before starting the meal. The fibers in the salad fills u up which in turn prevents false hunger that makes u overeat.1 bran chapati (mix wheat flour and wheat bran in equal proportions.) with 1 bowl ( normal sized satori ) of lad. Generally at my place Dal is cooked at night so I used to store the Dal made at night for the other days lunch, u can do the same.
5:00 pm – 1cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits(just ramie, no other biscuits)/ 1 small bowl Bhutan Channa/ 1bowl popcorn ( not the buttery act 2 ones but air popped popcorn without the butter)
7:30 pm –A small plate of salad before starting he meal. 1 bran chapati with 1 k vegetable ( any vegetable not rajah, Channa or kaddish)
8:30 pm – one fruit of your wish
When this week ends, weigh yourself again. I’m sure u must have lost weight. I lost 1.8kgs in the first week itself. U lose the max in this week because you lose all the water weight and the bloating is gone. The further weeks you are surely going to lose weight but it won’t be this much.
Now to the next week.
Week 2
8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) – 2 glasses of Tulsidas leave water ( soak 5 Tulsidas leaves in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the leaves and drink the water.) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 Kali smirch.
9:00 am – 1 tost (brown bread) with maul lite butter / hung curd dressing/ salad and chutney
11:30 am – one fruit of your wish
1:30 pm – A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 sandwich (2 brown breads with panier filling, if you are a vegetarian and egg whites, if you are a non vegetarian.)
5:00 pm – 1cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits
7:30 pm –A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 bran chapati with 1 k vegetable (this week you can take rajah, Channa or kaddish )
8:30 pm – one fruit of your wish
This week I lost just .9kgs
Week 3
8:00 am – 2 glasses of meth seeds water. 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 Kali smirch.
9:00 am - 1 glass of milk and a fruit
11:30 am – one fruit of your wish
1:30 pm – 1 bran chapati and any vegetable
5:00 pm – 1cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits/ 1 small bowl Bhutan Channa/ 1bowl popcorn (not the buttery act 2 ones but air popped popcorn without the butter)
7:30 pm – 3 cps steamed or roasted chicken o fish + salad (non vegetarians)
Any one of the following for vegetarians:
1. 1 bowl Dal .+ 1 bowl curd + salad
2. 1 bowl veg + 1 bowl curd + salad
8:30 pm – one fruit of your wish
Week 4
8:00 am - 2 glasses of meth seeds water. 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 Kali smirch.
9:00 am - 1 glass of cold coffee and a BB toast
11:30 am – one fruit of your wish
1:30 pm – This week you have a lot of options which you can take alternatively.
- 1 bowl sprouts + fruits
- 2 bowl vegetables + salads
- 1 bowl Dalia + 1 BB toast
- 1 bowl vegetables + 1 BB toast
- 1 bowl kaddish + 1 quarter plate rice
7:30 pm – 1 bran chapati and 1 bowl vegetable.
8:30 pm – one fruit of your wish
By the end of the month you will definitely lose 3-6 kg I lost 4.3 kg in a month with POD. I’m sure u can do better.
He also gave me some really good yang as well. According to him when on a diet your social life won’t stop but you can still manage your weight without locking yourself at home. Some pointers for it. :
- When you go out with friends try to have your lunch or dinner at subway. The healthiest option out there. Take a veggie delete sub in brown bread and eating out won’t harm your diet and weight at all. Tell them not to put mayo in it though.
- If you don’t have a say in the place of eating then make your choices sensibly. If you go to eat Chinese have rice rather than noodles. Order stir fried veggies instead of Manchurian. And control your proportions. Don’t take fried starters. Avoid those thick soups they are no good.
- When going out just pick 2 fruits before sitting in the car and eat it on your way to the venue. When you are already a little filled before going out. Your somewhat filled stomach helps your mind take the right decision.
- If eating Indian, order tandoori chapati rather than butter naan or amaranth. Take less gravy since it is the most fattening.
So go on a diet now and get your svelte figure back.
P.S.: I really want to thank Rita for giving me a platform to share my thoughts and ideas without having me to bear with the responsibility of making a whole blog work. Thanks, and I hope I get to rite here in future as well.
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