In the Spotlight
2013 Healthy Living Calendars
Healthy Living calendars promote daily tips to use for a safer and healthier life. Calendars are now available for download.
Kids’ Health RSS
Stay updated with new content from CDC on kids’ health. From this page you can subscribe to CDC or other US Government RSS feeds or view content directly on this page without having to use an aggregator. Subscribe to the Kids’ Health RSS feed.
Healthy Living calendars promote daily tips to use for a safer and healthier life. Calendars are now available for download.
Kids’ Health RSS
Stay updated with new content from CDC on kids’ health. From this page you can subscribe to CDC or other US Government RSS feeds or view content directly on this page without having to use an aggregator. Subscribe to the Kids’ Health RSS feed.
Healthy Families
Engaged Parents Have Healthier AdolescentsStudents whose parents are engaged in their school lives are more likely to practice healthy behaviors and succeed academically.
Chickenpox Can Be Serious: Protect Your Child
Most children with chickenpox completely recover. But it can be serious, even fatal, for babies, adolescents, and adults. Be proactive. Get vaccinated if you are not protected against chickenpox.
Antibiotics Aren't Always the Answer
Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses like colds, most sore throats and bronchitis, and some ear infections. Unneeded antibiotics may lead to future antibiotic-resistant infections. Symptom relief might be the best treatment option.
Traveling Overseas? Consider Getting Insurance
If you are planning an international trip, there are 3 types of insurance you should consider: trip cancellation insurance, travel health insurance, and medical evacuation insurance. These will cover different situations and may give you financial peace of mind, as well as allowing for safe and healthy travel.
Inspiration for a Healthy New Year
Make being healthy your resolution and find ways to get and stay healthy this year. Meet three people who changed their health habits—and their lives. Here are their stories and tips for making healthy living easier.
Helping Parents Cope With Disaster
Anyone who is a parent knows how hard it can be to raise a child. Add a stressful situation, like a natural disaster or other emergencies, and a difficult job gets even harder. If you are prepared for potential disasters, you can be more confident in your ability to keep your family safe, and your children are likely to handle the disaster better as well.
Healthy Communities
Making Health Easier: Healthy Changes Start in PreschoolThe video highlights the efforts of one educational organization, Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP), to keep kids healthy at an early age. Childhood obesity now affects approximately one in six kids and disproportionately affects low-income and minority populations.
2013 Student Opportunities in Public Health
Whether you are looking for a summer internship or a year-long fellowship, these programs provide valuable exposure to a wide range of public health opportunities. Jump Start Your Future - Apply Today!
Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations with Parents
Making time to talk with parents about vaccines during the well-child visit may be challenging. Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations with Parents help you assess parents' needs, identify the role they want to play in making decisions for their child’s health, and then communicate in ways that meet their needs.
Let's Stop HIV Together
Let's Stop HIV Together highlights the fact that HIV touches every corner of American society and that people with the infection are part of the fabric of our families and valued members of our communities.
Science and Research
2011 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance: STDs in Adolescents and Young AdultsSexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2011 presents statistics and trends for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States through 2011. This annual publication is intended as a reference document for policy makers, program managers, health planners, researchers, and others who are concerned with the public health implications of these diseases.
National Surveillance of Asthma: United States, 2001–2010
The number of persons with asthma increased 2.9% each year, from 20.3 million persons in 2001 to 25.7 million persons in 2010. Of the 25.7 million, 7.0 million were children and 18.7 million were adults. Among children aged 0–17 years, current asthma (prevalence increased at a rate of 1.4% per year.
STD Trends in the United States: 2011 National Data for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis
STDs are a significant health challenge facing the United States. CDC estimates that 19 million new STD infections occur every year in this country.
HIV Among Youth in the US, Vital Signs
About 50,000 people are infected with HIV each year, and 1 in 4 is 13 to 24 years old. Youth make up 7% of the more than 1 million people in the US living with HIV. About 12,000 youth were infected with HIV in 2010. The greatest number of infections occurred among gay and bisexual youth. Nearly half of all new infections among youth occur in African American males.
Vital Signs: HIV Infection, Testing, and Risk Behaviors Among Youths — United States
Prevalence of diagnosed HIV was 69.5 per 100,000 youths at the end of 2009. Youths accounted for 12,200 (25.7%) new HIV infections in 2010. Of these, 7,000 (57.4%) were among blacks/African Americans, 2,390 (19.6%) among Hispanics/Latinos, and 2,380 (19.5%) among whites; 8,800 (72.1%) were attributed to male-to-male sexual contact.
Suffocation Deaths Associated with Use of Infant Sleep Positioners — United States, 1997–2011
When providing guidance for parents of newborns, health-care providers need to emphasize the importance of placing infants to sleep on their backs in a safe sleep environment. This includes reminders about the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations against side sleep position, ISPs and pillows, comforters, and other soft bedding.
Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit
The Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit (November 2012) is a comprehensive resource for providers on vaccine storage and handling recommendations and best practice strategies.
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