Menu for the Flat Belly Diet

Menu for the Flat Belly Diet

Prevention" magazine's Flat Belly Diet offers dieters a comprehensive eating and exercise plan to lose those last few pounds. The Flat Belly Diet is designed to help dieters lose weight around their bellies. The Flat Belly Diet book includes a 4 day jumpstart program, meal plans, recipes and optional toning exercises.

About the Flat Belly Diet Meals

Flat Belly Diet meal plans contain about 1200 to 1600 calories a day. The diet calls for four meals a day and includes breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner. The Flat Belly Diet book includes recipes and shopping tips for quick meals and more elaborate dishes. All Flat Belly Diet meals, including the snacks, have about 300 to 400 calories each.

Breakfast Menu Options

For a savory breakfast, toast a whole wheat English muffin and top it a poached egg, avocado oil, low fat Swiss cheese and sliced tomato. For a sweet breakfast option, top a piece of whole wheat toast with almond butter and serve with fresh kiwis and strawberries.

Lunch Menu Options

For an easy to pack lunch, try a whole wheat turkey sandwich with black olives, red onion, tomato and lettuce. Another sandwich option is crunchy tuna melt, made with whole grain bread, light tuna, sunflower seeds and melted cheese.

Dinner Menu Options

Dieters can quickly whip up salmon and snow peas, mixed with whole grain pasta. Another dinner option is Asian-style chicken, broccoli and cashew stir-fry, served over sobs noodles. For a Mediterranean flavor, make the Chicken Tomato-Olive Saute with fresh rosemary and garlic.

Snacks and Beverages

A sweet chocolate strawberry smoothie is one option, made with low fat vanilla yogurt and milk, frozen strawberries and chocolate chips. For a savory snack, eat hummus and pine nuts with red bell pepper slices. For beverages, many Flat Belly Dieters drink Sassy water or plain water. Herbals teas such as peppermint and chamomile are allowed on the diet.

Main Ingredients

Monounsaturated fatty acids play a key role in this diet. Dieters substitute these good fats for saturated fats. These beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFF) are found in many natural ingredients such as avocados, olive oil, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and nuts. Whole grain carbohydrates, lean proteins and fruits and vegetables also form a major part of this diet.

Prohibited Foods and Drinks

Dieters on the Flat Belly Diet are advised to avoid soft drinks, coffees and other highly caffeinated, fizzy or sugared drinks. Artificial sugars, excess carbohydrates and deep fried foods are also discouraged.

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