2 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever

 2 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever


Avoid Alcohol, Other Triggers


Certain activities may boost your urge to smoke. Alcohol is one of the most common triggers, so try to drink less when you first quit. If coffee is a trigger, switch to tea for a few weeks. And if you usually smoke after meals, find something else to do instead, like brushing your teeth or chewing gum.

 2 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever


Don't Go Cold Turkey


It may be tempting to toss your cigarettes and declare you've quit, plain and simple. But going cold turkey isn't easy to do. About 95% of people who try to stop smoking without therapy or medication end up relapsing. The reason is that nicotine is addictive. The brain becomes used to having nicotine and craves it. In its absence, the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal occur.

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