Weight Loss Stalls and Plateaus

  Is It Really a Stall?
A stall or plateau refers to an extended period of time during reducing efforts where there is no weight loss according to the scale AND no loss of inches according to the tape measure. So if you've been following your chosen low crab program to the letter, and it seems that the bathroom scales have become permanently stuck, take your measurements. Also notice if your clothes are getting looser, or if you can now fit into formerly tight garments. Chances are, you are continuing to lose FAT, but your body is adding lean muscle tissue, especially if you have been doing weight-training exercise as well. And muscle is less bulky than fat for the same amount of weight, so your body will be smaller and leaner. If this is the case, you haven't stalled at all; your body is just recomposing itself.
This is why it's so important to record your body measurements at the very beginning, so you'll have a reference as you progress. Don't just measure chest, waist and hip. Other key areas to measure are neck, upper arm, thigh and calf. And yes, having some "skinny" clothes hanging around helps too. It's a great feeling to have a pair of jeans that previously wouldn't come past your knees to make their way up past your hips, then be able to do them up (with pliers, while lying flat), then be able to do them up while standing and be able to breathe at the same time .... and so on!
It's normal for the body to go through adjustment periods while you're losing weight. A plateau lasting 3 or 4 weeks is no cause for alarm, nor is it a reason to QUIT. Check your measurements as noted above, and stick with your program. Low Carling is about making permanent, lifelong changes; a few weeks is just a brief period in the rest of your life!
One other thing to consider - are you within 5 to 10 lbs of your original goal weight? Following a low crab, hi-protein WOE and exercising may have given you an increased muscle-to-fat ratio than you had previously. As noted above, muscle tissue weighs more than fat, but takes up less bulk. Maybe it's time to rethink your goal weight. You may already be there! Congratulations! Now you can focus your energies on maintaining your proper weight, instead of struggling to drop a few more pounds.
Possible Causes Okay, 4 weeks have gone by, and there's been no weight or inches lost. This is definitely a stall. Here are a few things to consider, perhaps one or more of these factors may be the cause.
1. Carbohydrate level is too high - the number of crabs you can consume per day to continue to lose fat and weight varies from person to person. Some lucky individuals may be successful at 50 or more grams per day. Others are metabolically resistant, and must keep the crabs near Induction level for most of the Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) period. For Protein Power followers, this would mean staying at Phase 1 Intervention level until goal weight is achieved.

2. Hidden crabs - Carbohydrates can sneak into your food without you really noticing! A gram here and there; pretty soon they add up to an extra 10 or more grams a day that you may not realist you're eating. Herbs, spices, garlic, lemon juice, bottled salad dressing - these foods are not crab-free. Processed lunch and deli meats, bacon, ham and sausages often have added starch, crumbs, sugar, dextrose etc. Make sure you are accurately measuring the "known" crabs. A whole stalk of broccoli is more than 1/2 cup. And keep an eye on the coffee. It is not crab-free - a 6 oz cup of java has 0.8 crab grams. That's a small cup too. Add some cream, and a packet of sweetener, hmm.... 3 or 4 mugs a day can add up to significant carbs. Also, beware of foods made in the US - their labeling laws allow manufacturers to list the car count as zero if it's less than 1 gram, even if it's 0.99 gram! Get a good crab counter, and look up the foods you're eating. Keep an accurate food diary, and maybe you will spot a trend. Corrine Nester's  is an excellent and inexpensive resource.
3. Underrating - Most of us choose to follow a low crab WOE after unsuccessful attempts to reduce with the standard low Fat, calorie-restricted mythologies. It's difficult to grasp the idea of a "diet" that instructs you to EAT when we are so used to restricting, cutting back and denying hunger. Avoid the temptation to eat less, thinking that this will boost your efforts and speed up the process. In fact, underrating is one of the surest ways to stall your efforts and bring your weight loss to a grinding HALT. When you go for more than 4 or 5 hours without eating, your body interprets this as a fast, and will adapt very quickly by slowing down your metabolism and conserving your stored energy, ie. your fat. This is exactly what you DON'T want!
Also, make sure you are eating adequate amounts of protein. In general, an average sedentary woman requires a minimum of 60 grams per day. If you are large, do strenuous exercise or are male, your daily protein requirement is even higher. Ideally, the protein should be distributed throughout the day in several meals and/or snacks. Protein is required by the body to provide the building blocks of all our muscles, organs, hormones, enzymes, etc..... if we do not consume the protein in our diet, the body will use the only available source - your muscle tissue - to get what it needs. Less muscle tissue further contributes to a slowed metabolism, and reduced fat-burning. So, eat up!!
4. Overeating - In general, it's not necessary to restrict or even count calories while following a low crab program. You should eat when you are hungry, and eat until you feel satiated. But don't go overboard; it's not a license to stuff yourself to the point of being Overfull. Studies have shown that eating smaller but more frequent meals lead to more weight loss success than eating the same amount in 2 or 3 larger meals per day. Eat slowly, and chew your food thoroughly. Listen to your body, and learn to recognize when it says "enough". Overeating can sometimes be a consequence of meal-skipping as well. You are just so hungry when you do get around to eating, or you may feel you need to "make up" for the fact that you haven't eaten all day. It can really work against your weight loss efforts if you fast all day, thus forcing your body into slowed-metabolism "starvation" mode, then eat and eat all evening. This night-time eating will trigger the release of insulin, which will cause your body to make and STORE fat while you sleep.
5. Lack of Exercise - If you have not been exercising regularly, this may be a reason for your stall. Exercise will boost your metabolism and burn fat. Exercise, especially weight-training, will build muscles, and muscles are more metabolically "active", thus will increase fat burning as well. If you have been exercising, and have hit a plateau, perhaps your body is signalling for you to change your routine. Increase the duration and/or the intensity. If you've been jogging or cycling only, try adding some weight-lifts to your workout - and vice-avers, if you've only been weight-training, you should add some aerobic activity as well.
6. Not Drinking Enough Water - Adipose tissue, IE. fat, is mobilized through a process called hydrolysis. As the word suggests, hydrolysis requires plenty of water. Insufficient amounts of water in your body will hinder effective breakdown of fat. If you're exercising, or if your environment is warm and/or dry, you need to drink more water. If you are in active mitosis, you need to drink more water to flush the keystones out of your system. How much is enough? A bare minimum recommendation is 64 fluid oz (that's 8 - 8 oz glasses) of water a day. Some experts suggest you should divide your current weight in pounds by 2; this number is how many ounces you should drink each day, but no less than 64 oz.
There is no disagreement on the need to drink sufficient amounts of fluids every day, but there are some arguments that it's not necessary to drink only plain water. If you choose to not drink large volumes of water, you should ensure that you are consuming adequate fluid in the form of calorie and crab-free liquids. Note that coffee is neither calorie nor carb free. Three small 6 oz cups of coffee yield 12 calories and 2.4 crab grams. Add in the cream and packets of sweetener .........hmmm. Teas and herbal teas are generally close to zero crab, as well as diet sodas and mineral waters. Be careful that some diet sodas contain citric acid as a flavoring, as this has been known to stall some folks. It's best to strive to drink as much plain water as possible; at least half of your day's intake, more if possible.
7. Medications - There are a number of medications that can and will hinder your weight loss. Most notable are diuretics ("fluid pills"), both prescription and over-the-counter types. These will initially seem to make you lose MORE weight, as you lose excess body fluid. But when you are in active mitosis the LACK of fluid will inhibit fat-burning. Many antidepressants cause weight gain as well. Steroids and hormones, such as cortisone, birth control pills and estrogen will cause weight gain. So too will some seizure medications. Unfortunately, medications that are intended to lower your cholesterol will inhibit the liver from converting fat to glycogen, thus decreased fat-burning. And insulin and many oral diabetic medication will decrease fat burning and increase fat storage. DO NOT STOP OR DECREASE YOUR MEDICATIONS WITHOUT A DOCTOR'S SUPERVISION AND FOLLOW-UP.
8. Food Allergy & In tolerances - A significant percentage of low carvers report that over-consumption of cheese and dairy products will put them in a stall quicker than anything else, even when the crabs are not "hidden" but are accounted for in the daily total. There is some suggestion it may be an intolerance or allergy to the casein protein in cow's milk dairy products. If you have been eating a lot of dairy foods lately, try cutting way back, or even eliminating altogether for a week or two, and see if this breaks the plateau. Food allergies and intolerance are difficult to pin down, but are known to trigger weight gain, fluid retention, sinus congestion, skin rashes, and digestive upsets, diarrhea etc. The most common food allergens are - wheat and wheat gluten, cow's milk dairy products, corn, soy and chicken egg whites. Again, try eliminating any or all of these from your diet for a few weeks. Then, add each food back gradually, and see if symptoms return and your weight stalls again. You may have to avoid the offending food permanently, although many people find that after a few months they may cautiously eat a small amount of the food once in a while, without adverse effect.
Helpful Suggestions 1. Make sure you really are stalled. Take your body measurements with a tape. Check how your clothes fit. Try on a piece of clothing that was tight before you started low carving.
2. Don't go hungry. Eat smaller more frequent meals, and make sure you have some protein with every meal and snack. Avoid going more than 5 hours without eating (except overnight, then make sure you have a protein-containing breakfast).
3. Don't restrict your calorie intake, it will just force your metabolism to slow down to "starvation mode". Increase the amount of protein and fat with your meals. Eat some cheese, fried pork rinds or a handful of nuts as a snack. Use good olive or flax oil on your salads. Use heavy cream and egg yolks to make sauces for fish, eggs and vegetables.
4. Bump up your exercise level. Increase the duration and/or the intensity. Change your routine. Add weight lifts if you are just doing aerobics. And if you're not exercising yet, get moving!
5. Avoid eating crabs before bedtime. This will trigger insulin, which will inhibit fat-burning while you sleep and in fact, will initiate fat STORAGE.
6. Drink more water and other zero-crab fluids to enhance fat hydrolysis, and to flush keystones.
7. Keep a diet diary. Record the time and amount of what you consume. No one else will ever see it, so be brutally honest. Get a good food counts resource, or at least a pocket-size crab gram counter.
8. There are several "Stall Buster" fasts that are popular and successful at jump starting the weight and fat-loss. They are meant to be temporary, not long term. Most popular is    also known as "Stillman's". This is a high-protein, low-fat, almost-zero-crab program. No cheese or cream, butter fats or oils, no veggies or salads. And buckets and buckets of water. Another popular plateau breaker is Dr. Atkins , which is just as it sounds. You restrict yourself to 1,000 calories per day, with 90% of those calories in the form of FAT. A third stall buster that some have found helpful is the  . Again, it's just as it sounds, meat, meat and more meat, and not a heck of a lot else. A little fat or oil can be used to cook and dress the meat, but nothing else. And no coffee or tea. Water, water, water.
9. Some low carvers have used a thermionic combination of herbs and medication known as an "ECA Stack". Thermionic means it boosts metabolism and speeds up fat-burning. The E-C-A components are Phedra, Caffeine and Aspirin. If you want to know more. There is some controversy over the safety of Phedra, also known as ma Huang. It's advisable to check with your doctor. Phedra should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing, have high blood pressure or history of hear problems. Aspirin should be avoided if you have a known allergy, or if you are taking blood-thinners or have a history of stomach or intestinal ulcers.

Ten Tips for Your Vegetarian Diet Plan

The transition from a meat eater can often be hard. Many experienced vegetarians struggle to find new options and avoid monotonous meals. Below are tips for starting or staying on the vegan or vegetarian diet plan.

1. Find Vegetarian Restaurants - You may find yourself calling a restaurant ahead of time to determine just what is in their vegetarian meal. This can be a good idea to insure your meal is good but you can instead use the "Vegan" or "Vegetarian" option under "Restaurants" . This way you can view ratings and reviews of local restaurants with vegan or vegetarian cuisine. Another method would be this search on Google Maps . Just change the zip code in the Search box at the top to your own.

2. Join a Vegetarian Support Group Online - This could include a Facebook group, vegetarian forum (message board), church group, or social group. Or you and your friends can start your own vegetarian support group. The purpose is to get talking and exchange help, support, tips, recipes, and stay strong in the vegetarian lifestyle.

3. Be Sensitive to Carnivores - You may think it is gross but not everyone has seen the light of the vegetarian way. To them eating meat is natural and tasty. An overly negative reaction or nagging will never convince them. Could they convince you to eat meat? So be patient, understanding, and polite with your carnivore friends and maybe they will follow your good example.

4. Stock up on Vegetarian Recipes - Do not get yourself into a food situation with limited choices and repetitive meals. There are plenty of great vegan and  recipes available online for every meal of the day . Talk to your vegetarian support group and exchange recipes. Visit a bookstore and browse some of the vegetarian recipe books. Do not be afraid to experiment on your own.

5. Beans & Lentils - Beans and lentils provide a much needed source of protein, fiber, iron, and other nutrients. Beans and lentils can easily be combined into many different types of foods. There are a wide range of ethnic foods that can use beans and lentils as a tasty and filling combination. Women in particular need to consume more beans and lentils to avoid a risk of anemia.

6. B12 - B12 is necessary for the natural health of your body. It is normally found in animal products and a vegetarian  on its own does not provide enough B12. Most multivitamins contain B12. Or you can try soy milk fortified with B12.

7. Calcium - Calcium is important for strong teeth and bones. There are many other alternatives than dairy products for obtaining calcium. Make sure to eat plenty of dark leafy greens. You can get large boosts from drinking orange juice fortified with calcium and by eating molasses, tofu, soy, and more.

8. Vitamin D - Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones. Make sure to spend time in the sun, take a vitamin D supplement, or drink soy milks fortified with Vitamin D.

9. Omega 3 - Omega-3 fatty acids help you to regulate your cholesterol . They can be found in flax seeds, walnuts, fish, almonds, and cloves.

10. Drink Lots of Water - Drinking plenty of water is highly recommended for everyone. It is particularly important for vegetarians to get your body running at peak performance and not wasting energy or nutrients. It can help your body adjust to a and create a filling feeling.

10 Tips to Stick to Your Diet

I was recently asked for 10 tips for sticking to your. I quickly made the following list but I didn’t necessarily include the 10 most important tips, especially because each dieter is different. Which tips (on or off the list) have been most important to you?
  1. Don’t even try to change your eating until you have learned important skills, such as how to motivate yourself every day, how to get yourself to use good eating habits, how to withstand and craving, and how to get yourself back on track immediately when you make a mistake. 
  2. Motivate yourself every day by reading a long list of reasons that you want to lose weight every morning. Pull out this list at vulnerable times of the day, as well. 
  3. Eat everything sitting down, slowly, and enjoy every bite–whether or not you feel like it. It’s much more difficult to allow yourself to eat off plan, eat mindlessly, or binge if you are doing this.
  4. Stay accountable. Report (whether or not you have used good eating habits and followed your eating plan) to another person–daily–through email, testing, or voice messages. Stay accountable to yourself by weighing yourself every day.
  5. Stop looking for the perfect diet or the perfect combination of foods. Eat in a very healthy way but allow yourself to have one favorite food, in moderation, every single day. If you’re tempted to eat more of this food or go on to other foods you hadn’t planned to eat, then consume it shortly before bedtime, brush your teeth, and get in bed.
  6. Change your mindset about food and eating. Recognize that you can eat whatever you want whenever you want OR you can be thinner. You can’t have it both ways.
  7. Prove to yourself that hunger is never an emergency (if you don’t have a serious medical condition). Skip lunch and snacks one day. You’ll find that hunger is only mildly uncomfortable, compared to real discomfort such as you might have experienced after surgery or after breaking a bone; that hunger comes and goes, lasting no more than 5-10 minutes at a time, usually; that hunger is certainly tolerable.
  8. Teach yourself the difference between hunger (that empty feeling in your stomach when you haven’t eaten for a few hours) and craving or the desire to eat (which you will feel in your mouth or throat). Ultimately, you want to just label what you’re feeling (hunger, craving, tiredness, boredom, or a negative emotion) and tolerate it without eating. In the short-run, have a list of powerful distractions to turn your attention away from food.
  9. Regularize your eating with a set plan of meals and snacks. Some people do well with no snacks, some with a snack after each meal, some with two snacks after dinner. Eat only when it’s time to eat; not when you feel like eating.
  10. Tell yourself that every time matters. It’s not necessarily the calories (after all, cookie crumbs are not very fattening); it’s the HABIT. Every time you eat something you weren’t supposed to, you strengthen your giving in muscle, which makes it more likely that the next time you’ll give in and the time after that and the time after that. Every time you stick to your plan when you’re tempted to eat something else, you strengthen your resistance muscle, which makes it more likely that the next time you’ll resist, and the time after that and the time after that.

Rapid weight loss can lead to shedding more in the long run

Young woman holding tape measure around her waist
With the holiday season just around the corner, here's news which will be welcomed by those who've been meaning to lose weight but haven't got around to it. 

Crash dieting is an effective way to slim, scientists have found. Despite health warnings from nutritionists, research showed that dieters who shed the most weight in their first month also lost more in the long run. 

And they were just as likely to maintain their new shape as dieters who lost less. 

The message, says the study, is that the first few weeks of a diet are critical and may spur dieters on.
University of Florida researchers followed more than 250 obese women who were asked to cut their calorie intake and increase their exercise for 18 months. Those who lost more than 1.5lb a week during the first month lost more than two stone within six months on average. 

But those who initially lost less than half a pound a week ended up losing just 11lb overall. The 1.5lb a week figure is well within the safe limits recommended by most dieticians.

Although women in both groups did put some weight back on, those in the speedy group fared no worse than the others. 

Writing in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, the researchers said: 'Because weight regain reverses the health benefits achieved with weight loss, considerable efforts have been placed on identifying behavioral factors that may be associated with long-term success. Studies have shown that rate of initial weight loss, even within the first few weeks of treatment, may serve as an important predictor of long-term success.

'Our findings indicated fast weight losers obtained greater weight reduction and were not more susceptible to weight regain than long-term losers.' 

For the first six months, the dieters attended group meetings each week. After that, they had to make do with a mixture of fortnightly phone calls, newsletters and group sessions.

In the past, nutritionists have insisted that fast dieting leads to deficiencies of vital minerals and nutrients. 

If potassium and sodium levels drop far enough, the dieter can have a heart attack. If energy levels fall, the body can start to burn muscle, harming the liver, kidneys and brain. 

Other research has shown that the secret to losing weight and keeping it off lies in walking a marathon distance a week.

A study of thousands who had shed two stone found walking helped them keep the weight off.
The dieters exercised for 60 to 90 minutes a day, walking the equivalent of 26 miles a week.

Easy tips to repair split ends

Summer special: Easy tips to repair split ends

New Delhi: With the mercury soaring to 45 degree Celsius, this is the season where you need to be more conscious not just about your eating habits but also about your hair care regime.

Hair problem, especially split ends is one of the most common issues that almost every one faces during this extreme hot season.  

It is advised to go for frequent trims, apply serum and use mild shampoo to protect your hair from losing their moisture and split ends problem.

Here are a few tips to repair split ends:
-Trimming your hair on timely basis can help a lot in preventing split ends in your hair.

-Summer brings dryness by taking away moisture from hair which ultimately leads to split ends. To protect them from such damage, hair serums are a must to lock the necessary moisture.

-Applying honey in your hair can do wonders. It acts as a natural moisturizing agent.  It will restore the necessary moisture preventing the hair to become dry and frizzy.

-Oil massage is also a must. Applying coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil before hair wash can help solve the problem of split ends.

-A mixture of coconut milk and egg white for say, an hour is also effective in treating split ends problem.

Healthy Breastfeeding Diet Tips: What to Avoid / Love

A proper breastfeeding diet is essential to production of nutritious mother’s milk for the newborn child. With a few simple tips, any mother can create a breastfeeding diet plan that will keep her healthy, her child well fed, and even aid in post-pregnancy weight loss.

Breastfeeding Diet: The Basics

The breastfeeding diet is similar to the diet prescribed for pregnancy. High-calorie and high-nutrition are the most important factors. The calorie intake should be approximately 500 calories above per-pregnancy levels. Many of these calories should come from protein sources (approximately 1 gram for every pound of mother’s body weight), and mothers should continue taking pre-natal vitamins.
High calcium foods such as yogurt, cheese and milk should also be included. When choosing fruits and vegetables, a wide variety of colors are needed, and when choosing carbohydrates, whole grains are the best choice. Beverage consumption is also very important. Any breastfeeding diet plan should include plenty of water, milk and other nutritious beverages. The goal is 3 quarts of caffeine-free liquids per day.

Breastfeeding Diet: Affects on Breast Milk

There are foods known to affect the breast milk. Some of these foods may not agree with the newborn, and they should be avoided or the child’s reaction should be monitored for discomfort. Some of these foods are:
  • chocolate
  • spices
  • chili
  • citrus fruit
  • garlic
  • gassy vegetables (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli)
Foods to Avoid

There are definite breastfeeding foods to avoid in any breastfeeding diet plan. Mothers should not consume any herbs or other supplements without a doctor’s consent. Mother’s should also abstain from fish with high levels of mercury. Alcohol, of course, should be avoided. While not a “food,” cigarettes should be avoided by nursing mothers. Cigarettes reduce breast milk production and can induce vomiting, restlessness, increases in heart rate, and diarrhea in the newborn. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is also more often found in the children who have mothers that smoke.

Breastfeeding Diet and Weight Loss

The breastfeeding diet is primed for weight loss. There is no need for the nursing mother to decrease her calorie intake more then the recommended 500 calories above per-pregnancy levels (unless instructed by a physician). The newborn ingests approximately 650 calories per day from breast milk. This creates 150 calorie deficiency in the mother while maintaining milk production for the child. The most important thing is that milk production remains in tact.
Mothers should not begin a weight loss plan for the first two months of the child’s life. If the mother follows a healthy breastfeeding diet, the most weight loss will be experienced in the first 3 to 6 months. The goal should be 1 pound per week after 6 months, to maintain health and energy levels.
Gentle exercise may be introduced and will not have any negative effects on the breast milk. In fact, women who begin exercise, after the suggested postpartum recovery time, experience higher milk production then mothers who do not exercise. Weight loss medications or supplements are not recommended.

3 Diet Tips During Bikram Yoga to Lose Weight

In the 1970s, Buckram Churchyard invented the increasingly popular form of "hot yoga" practiced in studios heated to 105 degrees. A subset of 26 Anasazi, or poses, from hath yoga are always performed in the same sequence, beginning with Ramayana (standing deep breathing) and ending with savanna (corpse or dead body pose). Buckram yoga, like other forms of yoga, offers a framework for mind-body exercise to tone muscles, improve balance, change personal outlook and even lose weight.

Yoga in a Heated Room

Yoga originated in ancient India, the hot subcontinent of Asia. These ancient yoga practices have evolved into modern-day forms of yoga, such as Bikram, which are practiced throughout the world. The focus of studio franchises in many large North American cities, Bikram yoga is practiced in a heated room. The heat is considered an essential element, serving two functions: it limbers the body, allowing it to be more flexible; and it creates more sweat, helping to flush impurities released through the asanas.

Weight Loss in One Session

After a beginner's first few classes, water breaks are discouraged, except at designated times in the sequence of poses. This minimizes interruptions to the group's practice while building an individual's concentration, discipline and focus. However, this can lead to water and electrolyte loss from sweating in the heated room that needs to be replenished after each class. A small drop in weight before and after a single session indicates water loss rather than true weight loss.

Building Tone

While maintaining the same dietary intake, adding any activity that burns more calories will naturally lead to weight loss. Bikram yoga, with its structured approach and heated studio, offers a more challenging workout than other traditional forms of hatha yoga. Weight loss will be gradual, although improvements in muscle tone and body image may be noticed early on. Combined with modifying your diet to reduce the number of calories eaten, Bikram yoga will further enhance your weight loss program.

Yoga and Diet

Yoga is not just an activity, but also a lifestyle. Beginning a serious practice of Bikram yoga requires mindful alterations to your diet, including preparation for class by hydrating the day before. Choose healthy, high-energy, slow-burning foods like almonds, fresh fruits and whole grains, and cut down on caffeine, processed sugar and fatty foods to achieve sustainable weight loss. Paying attention to how the mind and body interacts with food can offer insight into how the food you eat makes you feel -- how certain foods boost energy and enhance well-being.

Beginning Your Bikram Yoga Practice

Before starting any weight-loss plus Bikram yoga program, you should check with a health care provider. Women who are pregnant or nursing should especially be cautious of doing Bikram yoga because of the risk of dehydration and overheating. During each workout, remain aware of your body's signals and avoid overdoing it. Seek medical attention for any medical symptoms including headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, fainting or other concerns.

The Amazing Soup Diet: Meal Plan

Day 1

Fruity Cottage Cheese

Top 3/4 c. low-fat calcium-fortified cottage cheese with 1/2 banana, 5 strawberries, sliced, and 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts.

Tangy Roast Beef Sandwich

On 1 slice whole-grain bread, spread mixture of 2 tsp. reduced-fat sour cream and 1 tsp. prepared horseradish. Top with 3 oz. deli-sliced lean roast beef, 2 to 3 slices tomato, and second slice of bread. Drink 1 c. fat-free milk.
On the side: 1/2 c. plain nonfat yogurt and 1/4 c. raspberries.

Day 2

Banana-Nut Cereal

1 c. Cheerios or 2/3 c. spoon-size shredded wheat with 1/2 banana, 1 Tbsp. chopped walnuts, and 1 c. fat-free milk.

  Caresse Salad

Toss together 15 grape tomatoes, halved, 8 (3/4-in.) chunks part-skim mozzarella, and 3 fresh basil leaves, chopped; sprinkle with balsamic vinegar. On the side: 1/4 c. hummus with 1/2 whole wheat pita.
  On the side: Tangerine & Avocado Salad. Toss 2 c. mixed greens with 1 tangerine, peeled and segmented, 1/4 avocado, chopped, and 2 green onions, sliced; sprinkle with balsamic.

Day 3

Berry Yogurt Crunch

Top 1 c. plain nonfat yogurt with 1/2 c. spoon-size shredded wheat, crumbled, and 1 c. raspberries or sliced strawberries; drizzle with 2 tsp. honey.

Black Bean Taco Salad

Toss 3 c. thinly sliced romaine lettuce with 1/2 c. rinsed and drained canned black beans, 3 green onions, sliced, 1⁄4 avocado, diced, 1/2 c. salsa, and 2 Tbsp. shredded reduced-fat sharp Cheddar. On the side: 5 lg. baked tortilla chips.

On the side: Mediterranean Salad. Toss 2 c. mixed greens with 1/3 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and sliced, 1 slice red onion, 2 tsp. balsamic, and 1 tsp. olive oil.

Day 4

Honey-Cinnamon English Muffin

Split and toast 1 whole-grain English muffin. Top each half with 2 Tbsp. low-fat calcium-fortified cottage cheese, then drizzle with 1/2 tsp. honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.
On the side: 1 pear.

California Turkey Pita

Open whole wheat pita by cutting off 1-in. slice. Mash 1/4 avocado with a squirt of lime juice; spread inside pita. Stuff with 1 lettuce leaf, 2 oz. deli-sliced smoked turkey, 2 slices cooked bacon, cut up, and 3 thin slices
On the side: 10 strawberries.
On the side: 5 lg. baked tortilla chips.

Day 5

Strawberry-Orange Smoothie

In blender, combine 1 c. unsweetened frozen strawberries, 6 oz. plain nonfat yogurt, 1/2 c. calcium-fortified orange juice, and 1 tsp. honey.
On the side: 1/2 toasted whole-grain English muffin topped with 1 tsp. light butter.

Waldorf Chicken Salad

Toss 3 oz. cooked skinless, boneless chicken breast, cubed, with 1/2 apple, chopped, 1 stalk celery, thinly sliced, 1/2 c. halved red seedless grapes, and 2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts; serve on 1 c. mixed greens or baby spinach leaves. Dress with a mixture of 3 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt, 1 tsp. lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

On the side: 1/2 apple or 1 kiwifruit.

Day 6

Mexican Scramble

Beat 1 egg with 2 Tbsp. shredded reduced-fat Cheddar and a dash hot sauce. Cook in nonstick skillet, coated with cooking spray, over medium-high heat. Then spoon into 1/2 whole wheat pita and top with 2 Tbsp. salsa. Drink 6 oz. calcium-fortified orange juice.

Salmon & White Bean Salad

Toss 3 oz. canned salmon with 3/4 c. rinsed and drained canned white kidney beans (cannelloni), 1/2 c. sliced celery, and 2 green onions, sliced; serve over 1 c. romaine lettuce or baby spinach leaves. Dress with 1 Tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. olive oil. On the side: 1 tangerine.
On the side: 20 red seedless grapes.

Day 7

Nutty Oatmeal

Empty 1 packet instant oatmeal,
plain, into microwave-safe bowl and add 2/3 c. fat-free milk and 1 Tbsp. raisins. Microwave on High 1 to 2 minutes, then stir in 1 Tbsp. peanut butter and 1 tsp. honey.

Ham Sandwich Supreme

On 1 slice whole-grain bread, spread 2 tsp. light mayonnaise. Top with 3 oz. thinly sliced extra-lean ham, 1 oz. part-skim mozzarella, sliced, 3 slices dill pickle, 1/2 jarred roasted red pepper, 1 to 2 slices red onion, several lettuce leaves, and a second slice of bread.
  On the side: 7 strawberries.

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Tempted to cheat? There’s no need. You can snack on soup or veggies. And twice a week, enjoy a 100-calorie treat. Choose from our list or find other options.
• 1 pack of 100 Calorie Oreo Thin Crisps
• 4 Hershey’s Kisses
• 1 grande Starbucks cappuccino with fat-free milk
• 1 glass of wine (4 oz.)
• 1 bottle light beer

10 Tips for a Healthy Diet

Drink More Water ,Color Equals ,Keep a Food Journal ,Saute.

1.Drink More Water.

If water were a food, it would be a . It helps digestion, promotes clear skin, acts as an appetite suppressant, and even , among many other benefits. Some research has even shown that drinking water can . Although the whole drink-eight-glasses-a-day advice is now thought to be a myth, it doesn’t hurt, and it’s better than drinking energy drinks or flavored waters that may contain lots of sweeteners. Stick to filtered tap, and cut it with naturally sweetened fruit juice if you get bored, or try low-calorie, unsweetened elixirs like this . At work, keep a large pitcher of water at your desk, so you don’t have to keep getting up to refill your glass.

2.Create a Salad Bar in Your Fridge.

Buy some produce on a Sunday and spend a half hour washing, chopping, and storing it in containers in your fridge (Mason jars look cool). Make enough for the whole week. Then, before work, all you have to do is add greens and assemble for lunch. It’s OK to dress the salad in the morning if you refrigerate it when you get to work.

3.Remember, Color Equals Nutrition.

It’s a good rule of thumb that the more colorful the food, the more healthy it is. For instance, squash, carrots, spinach, and kiwi are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. White and beige foods like cheese, french fries, white rice, white flour, and white sugar should be eaten in moderation, because they’re either high in saturated or trans fats, or overly processed and lacking in nutritional value. Similarly, when you eat vegetables, leave the skins on if they’re more colorful than the interior (for example, zucchini and cucumber), because that’s where a lot of the vitamins are.

4.Keep a Food Journal.

This serves as a powerful reality check for what you’re truly eating, not what you’d like to think you’re eating. In addition to detailing your diet, you can also write down what is going on in your life in case you fall off the healthy wagon. External stresses often cause us to seek comfort in food: “Divorce paperwork filed: Caramel latte and devil’s food cupcake, 4 p.m.” It’s easier to change behaviors if you first know what causes them.

5.Investigate Funky Grains.

Put aside highly refined white pasta and white rice for a while in favor of nutritious brown rice, barley, kaput, spelt, millet, quinoa, farro, and buckwheat (which isn’t technically a grain, but don’t worry about that). You can cook and eat them just the way you would rice or pasta, or top them with fresh fruit as an oatmeal substitute. Cook a big pot over the weekend, keep it in the fridge, and throw a handful into your salad each day. Or try one of these CHOW recipes for.

6.Ask, “Would I Eat an Apple?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when you’ve crossed the line from nourishing yourself to overeating. That’s because it takes up to 15 minutes for your brain to receive signals from your digestive system that you’re full. Eating slowly can help (some people recommend using chopsticks), because that gives your brain time to catch up. Also, if you’re unsure, try asking yourself, “Would I eat an apple right now if one was offered to me?” If the answer is no, you’re eating just to eat, not because you’re still hungry.

7.When in Doubt, Saute with Garlic.

You always hear about how you’re supposed to eat lots of vegetables, seasonal if possible. But often they sit around in your fridge and go bad because you don’t know what to do with them. In a pinch, just chop them up and saute them with olive oil, garlic, and salt. This works for everything from bonk cloy to kale to Jerusalem artichokes. If it’s something hard, like broccoli stalks or butternut squash, simply cut the vegetable up really small.

8.Eat Breakfast in Bed.

Many of us put meals at the bottom of our priority list, leaving us scarfing down a meal of frozen lasagne while multitasking on the computer, at best. Instead, try treating one of your daily meals, or a few meals a week, as a ritual whose purpose is to nourish both your body and your spirit. Think ahead a little, and schedule your day so you have the time to prepare and enjoy the ingredients you bought ahead of time. Appreciate the aromas as you prepare the food, as well as the beauty of fresh ingredients versus a frost-covered block that comes out of plastic.

9.Bag Half to Go.

When eating out, bag half your meal to go before you even start. Most restaurant portions are too big, so either ask the server to split your order and put half in a to-go box at the beginning, or request a box and do it yourself. Then you won’t be tempted to dig into the second half while it’s sitting in front of you. And you’ll have leftovers for lunch the next day.

10.If It Has a Label, Don’t Eat It.

Spend less time reading the fine print for calories and grams of fat by eating stuff that has no label. Whole fruits, vegetables, and bulk grains don’t have labels. Foods that haven’t been chopped up, chemically altered, and screwed around with in factories have no labels. Even that healthy energy bar you’re buying that costs $3 and the label says is made of dates and nuts—how about just buying some dates and nuts and saving yourself

10 Tips to Stick to Your Diet

I was recently asked for 10 tips for sticking to your . I quickly made the following list but I didn’t necessarily include the 10 most important tips, especially because each dieter is different. Which tips (on or off the list) have been most important to you?
  1. Don’t even try to change your eating until you have learned important skills, such as how to motivate yourself every day, how to get yourself to use good eating habits, how to withstand  and craving, and how to get yourself back on track immediately when you make a mistake. 
  2. Motivate yourself every day by reading a long list of reasons that you want to lose weight every morning. Pull out this list at vulnerable times of the day, as well.
  3. Eat everything sitting down, slowly, and enjoy every bite–whether or not you feel like it. It’s much more difficult to allow yourself to eat off plan, eat mindlessly, or binge if you are doing this.
  4. Stay accountable. Report (whether or not you have used good eating habits and followed your eating plan) to another person–daily–through email, testing, or voice messages. Stay accountable to yourself by weighing yourself every day.
  5. Stop looking for the perfect diet or the perfect combination of foods. Eat in a very healthy way but allow yourself to have one favorite food, in moderation, every single day. If you’re tempted to eat more of this food or go on to other foods you hadn’t planned to eat, then consume it shortly before bedtime, brush your teeth, and get in bed.
  6. Change your mindset about food and eating. Recognize that you can eat whatever you want whenever you want OR you can be thinner. You can’t have it both ways.
  7. Prove to yourself that hunger is never an emergency (if you don’t have a serious medical condition). Skip lunch and snacks one day. You’ll find that hunger is only mildly uncomfortable, compared to real discomfort such as you might have experienced after surgery or after breaking a bone; that hunger comes and goes, lasting no more than 5-10 minutes at a time, usually; that hunger is certainly tolerable.
  8. Teach yourself the difference between hunger (that empty feeling in your stomach when you haven’t eaten for a few hours) and craving or the desire to eat (which you will feel in your mouth or throat). Ultimately, you want to just label what you’re feeling (hunger, craving, tiredness, boredom, or a negative emotion) and tolerate it without eating. In the short-run, have a list of powerful distractions to turn your attention away from food.
  9. Regularize your eating with a set plan of meals and snacks. Some people do well with no snacks, some with a snack after each meal, some with two snacks after dinner. Eat only when it’s time to eat; not when you feel like eating.
  10. Tell yourself that every time matters. It’s not necessarily the calories (after all, cookie crumbs are not very fattening); it’s the HABIT. Every time you eat something you weren’t supposed to, you strengthen your giving in muscle, which makes it more likely that the next time you’ll give in and the time after that and the time after that. Every time you stick to your plan when you’re tempted to eat something else, you strengthen your resistance muscle, which makes it more likely that the next time you’ll resist, and the time after that and the time after that.

5 Simple Diet Tips And A Diet Chart To Gain Weight

obesity diet
Looking slim trim and fit is simply amazing but skinny like cloth hanger is not appealing at all. This is why they say the grass is always greener on the other side! If your fat, you want to be skinny and if your skin, you want to put on some weight. Yes, that happens too.

Skinny girls try to gain weight using market products which usually have unwanted side effects. Your health is something that you do not want to compromise on. After all, you are most likely trying to put on weight only to healthier. Then what’s the point of trying an unhealthy method. Thus, the best and only option is to opt for natural methods.
Before we look at a diet chart to gain weight, let us look at some of the possible reasons as to why you are underweight.

Reasons for being Underweight:

  • Many girls starve to achieve a size-zero figure.is possible but at the same time, body gets deprived of all the essential nutrients.
  • Symptoms of several diseases like cancer, liver or kidney problems, depression reduce your appetite and related medications may be a reason for your lost appetite.
  • People with any eating disorder syndrome like anorexia or bulimia, become dangerously underweight.
  • Another reason being underweight may be hereditary reasons.

Proper Diet Chart For Weight Gain:

Weight gain can be as strenuous and time-consuming. Eating a lot of food throughout the day will not add to your weight. As much as you might believe that burgers and pizzas will give you that extra, you need to remember that it will only to fat. But your aim is to put on weight in an healthy manner, not to add a tyre to your otherwise skinny frame! Focus on eating food but at the right time and the right quantity.

1. Include calories in your diet:

You need to take in more than 250 calories daily to add roughly half a kilo to your current weight. Eat foods that are rich in calories like Pulses, cereals, meat, bread, rice, dry fruits and nuts.  Avoid fast food or cereal bars.
Everything that we eat has some calorie content to it. So like we eat food with fewer calories to lose weight, we need to eat food that has more calories to gain weight. Add vegetables like french beans, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, carrots, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, pumpkins and eggplants to your diet. They have higher calorie content among the vegetable sources. Add a healthy portion of red meat to your diet too. But keep in mind to not overdo it. The aim is not add weight not cholesterol! The same way you can make panier and the restaurant style food a part of your diet too. Add that extra dollop of butter over your homemade spanner Sabin. Fry your loo a little more than usual.
You can even add olive oils in generous quantities to your salads. Another way to add calories to your diet is by increasing the consumption of dairy products. I do not mean just ice creams when I say this. Don’t cut back on the fat content in your milk. Do not ask for low fat curds at the store. Make sure you consume a full calorie dairy product. And make it a point to snap up those milk shakes every once in a while! When your picking up a sandwich from outside, don’t go easy on the sauces. Can there be a more delicious way to put on weight?

2. Increase the number of meals:

Have six meals in a day, three big meals and three small. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be heavy and calorie rich. A heavy dinner adds weight to your body as your metabolism is not as active when you sleep as compared to when you are awake.
For breakfast, go for a full bowl of cereal and add toasted bread with butter or a fruit. And if your not a big fan of butter then you can always skip to cheese or a yummy spread of peanut butter and jelly! For snacks, have nuts and dry fruits, fruits and boiled veggies with a dollop of cream or sandwiches with cheese. Any vegetable or fruit or actually anything healthy that has higher calorie content is welcome.  You can even add some more items to your dessert tray. And once in a while skip the healthy stuff for snacks and go all out crazy on cakes, pizzas, burgers and whatever else your heart fancies. It is okay to give into your taste buds every once in a while. Don’t be stingy on the number of times you eat! You can add items like the granola and corn bread to your snacks list too. Granola’s are made of nuts and oats and are very good for your health along with being fattening.

3. High proteins along with calories: 

Only calories won’t add to your body weight, include the right amount of proteins to your diet.
Eggs, lean meat, fish, pulses, sprouts and dairy products will give you enough protein necessary to build muscles. Remember ladies you want to put on weight and look fit, you need to build muscles not flab. Fish such as tuna and mackerel are rich in oil and are one of the best ways to increase weight.
Here we present you with a diet chart that you may follow to put on extra weight:
What to have
Before breakfast 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. A cup of tea or cappuccino will full fat milk and sugar.
Breakfast 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.
  • Two multilingual breads with low fat butter and egg omelet.
  • A bowl of corn flakes, oats, or porridge.
  • Po ha, puma or some Dali chichi with lots of veggies.
  • Two chapattis with a bowl of veggies or two stuffed amaranths.
  • Fruits with a glass of fruit juice.
After Breakfast 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. A glass of full fat milk with some health drink.
Lunch 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
  • A small bowl of rice with two chapattis.
  • A bowl of pulses (Masonry, mung, china)
  • A bowl of wet veg curry
  • Two chicken pieces, fish, eggs or panier.
  • Green salad comprising of cucumber, cabbage, radish, carrot and tomatoes.
  • A small bowl of sweet curd.
Afternoon snack 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  • Vegetable or chicken soup with some butter.
  • Veg sandwich with cheese or mayo.
Dinner 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Similar diet as lunch, avoid rice and go for dry veg curry.
Before bed 10:30 p.m. – 11 p.m.
  • A glass of milk
This is a nutritious and best diet chart to gain weight easily.

4. Weight gain Supplements:

Another way to go about this is by adding some additional supplements to your diet too. In some cases, just the diet and exercise don’t work fast enough. In this case, adding some supplements that add to the body mass and aid in muscle development is the best route to take. Throw in some whey proteins with your milk or smoothies. But one product that has been spoken off a lot off late is the weight gainers supplement.

5. Workout To Gain Weight:

Sometimes gaining weight isn’t just about adding a few pounds but it is also about building muscles. The best way to go about this is to start working out. Developing your muscles not only makes it stronger but it also adds mass to it. This is definitely the right mix to gain weight. This way to stay healthy and still put on weight at the same time!
So ladies, gaining weight might be a patience testing process but the hoped results are not impossible to achieve with gain weight diet chart! Keep eating and stay healthy!

10 diet & exercise tips for prostate health

“What can I eat to reduce my risk of developing prostate cancer?” This is one of the most common questions physicians hear from men concerned about prostate health. Undoubtedly, many hope that their doctor will rattle off a list of foods guaranteed to shield them from disease. Although some foods have been linked with reduced risk of prostate cancer, proof that they really work is lacking, at least for now.

Aim for a healthy eating pattern

Instead of focusing on specific foods, dietitians, physicians, and researchers tout an overall pattern of healthy eating — and healthy eating is easier than you might think. In a nutshell, here’s what experts recommend:
  1. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Go for those with deep, bright color.
  2. Choose whole-grain bread instead of white bread, and choose whole-grain pasta and cereals.
  3. Limit your consumption of red meat, including beef, pork, lamb, and goat, and processed meats, such as bologna and hot dogs. Fish, skinless poultry, beans, and eggs are healthier sources of protein.
  4. Choose healthful fats, such as olive oil, nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans), and avocados. Limit saturated fats from dairy and other animal products. Avoid partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats), which are in many fast foods and packaged foods.
  5. Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks, such as sodas and many fruit juices. Eat sweets as an occasional treat.
  6. Cut down on salt. Choose foods low in sodium by reading and comparing food labels. Limit the use of canned, processed, and frozen foods.
  7. Watch portion sizes. Eat slowly, and stop eating when you are full.

Stay active

In addition to eating a healthy diet, you should stay active. Regular exercise pares down your risk of developing some deadly problems, including heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. And although relatively few studies have directly assessed the impact of exercise on prostate health, those that have been done have concluded, for the most part, that exercise is beneficial. For example:
  1. Based on questionnaires completed by more than 30,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, researchers found an inverse relationship between physical activity and BPS symptoms. Simply put, men who were more physically active were less likely to suffer from BPH. Even low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking regularly at a moderate pace, yielded benefits.
  2. Using data from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, researchers also examined the relationship between erectile dysfunction (ED) and exercise. They found that men who ran for an hour and a half or did three hours of rigorous outdoor work per week were 20% less likely to develop ED than those who didn’t exercise at all. More physical activity conferred a greater benefit. Interestingly, regardless of the level of exercise, men who were overweight or obese had a greater risk of ED than men with an ideal body mass index, or B MI.
  3. Italian researchers randomly assigned 231 sedentary men with chronic prostration to one of two exercise programs for 18 weeks: aerobic exercise, which included brisk walking, or non aerobic exercise, which included leg lifts, sit-ups, and stretching. Each group exercised three times a week. At the end of the trial, men in both groups felt better, but those in the aerobic exercise group experienced significantly greater improvements in prostration pain, anxiety and depression, and quality of life

Food swaps to save you calories and tips on not feeling hungry on fasting days

All this week, the Mirror has brought you. Twice a week you have a day where you fast - women have no more than 500 cals and men 600.
Then you can eat normally for the other five days of the week - women can have up to 2,000 calories a day and men around 2,500 - and this way you could lose up to 5lb a week!
You can choose which day you want to fast - busy days are best - and when and how you 'spend' your daily calorie allowance, but organising your meals and planning ahead will help you to stay firmly on track and be much less likely to succumb to temptation.
To help you plan what to eat on your Fast Day, here we show you meals you might normally eat on a Feast Day and the healthy option you can swap it for - saving hundreds of calories.


Fried egg sandwich on white bread (229 calories)
Sausage, 2 rashers of bacon, baked beans, fried egg, 2 slices of buttered toast (900 calories)
Two buttered crumpets (330 calories)
Bacon sandwich with ketchup (307 calories)
Eggs Benedict (553 calories)
Smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel (440 calories)
Boiled egg on a single slice of wholemeal bread (159 calories)
Breakfast omelette with onion and tomatoes (170 calories)
Porridge with honey and skimmed milk (257 calories)
Creamy garlic mushrooms on toast (190 calories)
Poached egg with a slice of honey roast ham (100 calories)
Smoked salmon with scrambled eggs (250 calories)


Tesco Chicken and Bacon sandwich (467 calories)
Tuna Melt panini (417 calories)
Baked potato with butter, cheese and baked beans (440 calories)
Prawn sandwich with Marie Rose sauce (300 calories)
Subway Meatball Marinara Sandwich 6" (597 calories)
Chicken and Mushroom Pasta bake (420 calories)
Tesco Light Choices Chicken and Bacon Sandwich (310 calories)
Tuna salad (half a tin of tuna with 100g salad leaves and half a tin sweetcorn (175 cals)
Asda Chosen By You Reduced Calorie Tomato & Roast Veg Pasta (280 calories)
Half a carton of New Covent Garden Soup Winter Broth with Bacon and Kale (96 calories)
Marks & Spencer Italian Style Meatball & Tomato Soup (245 calories)
Grilled skinless chicken breast with roasted Mediterranean veg (248 calories)


Fish and oven chips (838 calories)
Quiche Lorraine and baked beans (500 calories)
Steak and ale pie with mashed potato (560 calories)
Sausage and mash (585 calories)
Macaroni cheese with baked beans (499 calories)
Grilled salmon steak with broccoli, new potatoes (250 calories)
Morrisons NuMe Cottage Pie (300 calories)
Sainsbury's Be Good to Yourself Chicken and Mushroom Pie (349 calories)
Quorn banger with baked sweet potato and peas (270 calories)
Asda Chosen By You Reduced Calorie Ham & Mushroom Tagliatelle (341 calories)


Mars bar 58g (260 calories)
25g salted peanuts (146 calories)
Cupcake (178 calories)
Tracker bar (126 calories)
McCoy's Flame Grilled Steak crisps (252 calories)
Milky Way 26g (118 calories)
25g wasabi peas (60 calories)
Hartley's Low Calorie Jelly Pot (10 calories)
Nakd Banana Bread bar (92 calories)
Walkers Sunbites Sour Cream and Cracked Black Pepper (120 calories)


Three slices of Domino's pepperoni pizza (690 calories)
Chicken korma and pilau rice (1,100 calories)
Chicken katsu curry (1,200 calories)
Chicken in black bean sauce takeaway (700 calories)
Chinese king prawn chow mein (587 calories)
Half a Morrisons cheese/creme fraiche pizza (375 calories)
Home-made tandoori chicken and salad (380 calories)
Asda Chosen By You Reduced Calorie Green Thai Chicken Curry (371 calories)
Sainsbury's My Goodness! Oriental Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup (300 calories)
M&S Count on Us Asian Style Cod with Noodles (215 calories)

How not to feel hungry on your fast days

We're so used to eating that it can be odd or even alarming when our appetite kicks in.
Allowing yourself to experience hunger - and to see how little food it takes to feel full again - is a huge help in taking control of your eating.
It's also easier to say no to cake or a glass of wine when you know you can have it tomorrow, unlike a normal diet, which can feel like a very long punishment.
Distract yourself with sparkling water, black coffee or herbal tea, or even exercise. The pangs come in bursts but they will subside if you ignore them. Fasting has powerful effects on your brain, your mood and your attitude to food.
See Fast Days as a mini-break for your body, not to mention reak ion from cooking. Eventually the 'restriction' of a Fast Day begins to feel more like a 'liberation' from worrying about food.
from cookin Fast Day beg from worryin When eat, re make pas When you do feel like you just have to eat, remember how bloated some foods make you or how bad you felt in the past after overindulging.
Remember that your body is using this 'fast' time to heal and cleanse. With time it should get easier and easier to do.

12 tips to help you lose weight on the plan

Get off to the best possible start on the NOS Choices 12-week weight loss plan with these 12 diet and exercise tips.


1. Don’t skip breakfast

Research shows that eating breakfast helps you control your weight. Some people skip breakfast as they think it will help them loose weight but missing meals doesn’t help us lose weight and isn’t good for us because we can miss out on essential nutrients.  It could also encourage us to snack more throughout the day because you feel hungry’. Check out

2. Eat regular meals

Some people think missing meals will help them lose weight, but it has been shown that eating regularly during the day helps to burn calories at a faster rate as well as reduce the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar. Find out more about

3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat and high in fibre – three essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals. Read up on

4. Get more active

Studies show that regular activity is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing numerous exercise can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone.

5. Drink plenty of water

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need. You should or more if it’s warm or you’re exercising.

6. Eat high-fibre foods

Foods containing lots of fibre will keep you feeling full for longer, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as.

7. Read food labels

Knowing how to read food labels can help you choose healthier options, and keep a check on the amount of calories, fat, salt and sugars you eat. Use the calorie information to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie allowance on the weight loss plan. Find out more about .

8. Use a smaller plate

Studies show that people who use smaller plates tend to eat smaller portions and still be satisfied. By eating with smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

9. Don’t ban foods

Don’t ban any foods from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you like. Banning foods will only make you crave them more. There’s no reason you can’t enjoy the occasional treat as long as you stay within .

10. Don't stock junk food

To avoid temptation, avoid stocking junk food, such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks, at home. Instead, stock up on healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn and fruit juice.

11. Cut down on alcohol

Did you know a standard glass of wine can contain as many calories as a piece of chocolate, and a pint of lager has about the same calorie count as a packet of crisps? Over time, drinking too much can easily contribute to weight gain. Find out more about .

12. Plan your meals

Plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. Try to plan for four to seven days’ worth of meals and snacks. Make a shopping list, but don’t shop when you’re hungry as that can lead to high-calorie impulse buys!

16 Crazy Sexy Diet Tips for Healthy Living

Here are sixteen of my favorite crazy and sexy tips for supercharged and healthy living. 

1. Get back to nature and back to the garden
 preferably the organic garden – when affordable – when not, try to choose fruits and veggies that are less sprayed. You can find a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides at. There are over 80,000 chemicals in our world today, eating them and putting them on our bodies is a dangerous proposition.

2. Create an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle.

 Learn about pH, the acid/alkaline balance, and say goodbye to the SAD, acidic diet in favor of alkaline raw veggies, sprouts, green drinks, green smoothies, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, love and oxygen.

3. Make juice not war.
  Green are great too. My favorite is the Libreville Ikon, and the best blender is the Vita mix. Instead of your morning cup of Joe, (or nightly cup of booze) try filling your day with.

4. Drink lots of clean, purified water.

5. Decrease the amount of animal products you consume 

 (especially dairy products) and move towards more of a.

6. Refined sugars and processed starches are the devil

– dump them. If it’s made in a lab it takes a lab to digest. If it has a shelf life longer than you, don’t eat it. Choose low hypoglycemic foods as much as possible.

7. Shake your booty. 

 Your lymph system, which carries away waste, needs you! Unlike your heart, it doesn’t have a pump. Aerobics is the pump. Brisk walking is the pump.  is the pump.

8. Give your colon a regular spring-cleaning.

 That’s right, flood your body with alkalinity and flush it of toxins. As the good stuff goes in the bad stuff should come out – on a regular basis.

9. Use natural skincare products.

Your skin is your largest organ and what you put on it you literally drink in. Everything you consume either gets assimilated or eliminated. Chemical creams and perfumes tax your body big time.

10. Stress also creates acidity, so turn down the volume on chaos and turn up the joy factor up.

 Find and regularly commit to activities that help you bring it down a notch. Some ideas: meditation, gratitude journalism, guided relaxation or visualization CD’s, nature.

11. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Optimal hours: 11-7am.

12. Chew. Your stomach does not have teeth.

13. And stop eating late

 so that when you snooze, your body can focus on repair instead of digestion.

14. Set boundaries 

 so that you have the physical and emotional time to take care of yourself – it’s not selfish, it’s self-preserving.

15. Make time for fun, for love, for laughter!

16. Sound good? Last but not least, pick up my book

Diet and Exercise Tips

4-Minute Miracle WorkoutsWhat Are You Hungry For?
Excessive body weight contributes to snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, in addition to being a major influence on general health and well-being. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs in about 50-60 percent of those who are obese.

A recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics concludes that  35 percent of adults exercise regularly (more than 6 of 10 don’t), and nearly four in 10 aren’t physically active. Lack of exercise can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The CDC estimates that “about 112,000 deaths are associated with obesity each year in the United States.” However, this estimate is likely to change in the future as more data become available.

Proper diet and exercise are the mainstays for a healthy lifestyle, although many Americans turn to costly fad diets and exercise programs that fail to provide weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. The basic tenets to gradual weight loss and good health include developing healthy eating habits and increasing daily physical activity.
Self-Help Guidelines for Healthy Activity:
• Consult a physician – men over age 40; women over 50; people with (or at risk for) chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, or obesity.

• Start out slowly and build up activity gradually over a period of months. This will help avoid soreness and injury.

• Try to accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity each day. You can do all 30 minutes together or through short bouts of intermittent activity (e.g., 10 minutes at a time).

• Add strength-developing exercises at least twice per week.

• Incorporate physical activity into your day (walk to the office or store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or jog at lunch time, etc.)

• Make leisure time active – garden, walk, ride a bike with family and friends, participate in an exercise class, join in a sports activity.

• Select activities you enjoy, find satisfying, and that give you a feeling of accomplishment. Success leads to increased motivation to be physically active.

• Be sure your activities are compatible with your age and physical condition.

• Make it convenient to be active. Choose activities that are readily accessible (right outside your door) like gardening, walking, or jogging.

• Try “active commuting.” Cycle, walk, or in-line skate to work or to the store.

• Make your activity enjoyable – listen to music, include family and friends, etc.

Top Ten Exercise Tips

Kick Up the Intensity


  1. See your doctor before you start any exercise program.  Get a full physical to make sure everything's in working order, then find a personal trainer in your neighborhood and make an appointment with him or her for a consultation.  Most trainers will give you a free consultation and help you figure out what your fitness level is, your body fat and circumference measurements, and the right way to start a program.

  2. Start Slow!  Many beginners make the mistake of doing too much when they first start out.  If you haven't worked out in a while (or ever) start with a walking program of about 20 to 30 minutes, 3 days a week. Each session, add a few minutes to your workout to progress each week.

  3. Write down your workouts every day, making notes about what you did, how you felt and how you improved since your last workout.

  4. Schedule your workouts each week, just like you would a doctor's appointment.

  5. Harass your best friend, spouse or significant other into working out with you!

  6. Every day, ask yourself how you will make your life healthier.  It can be as simple as drinking more water or parking farther away from the front door.

  7. Reward yourself!  Give yourself a massage when you reach your goals, or maybe some new workout clothes.

  8. Set daily or weekly goals.  Long term goals are great, but are so far away we often forget why we're working so hard.  To stay motivated, write down a daily or weekly goal and then follow number 7 (rewarding yourself) if you reach it.

  9. Prepare for your workout the night before by packing your gym bag or, if you work out at home, laying out your workout clothes so when you get home, you're ready to go.

  10. Eat regularly throughout the day so you don't bonk during your workout.

10 Diet Tips for Pregnant Wome

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Ask almost any pregnant woman about eating for two, and she'll probably tell you this: It's not quite as easy (or as much fun) as it seems. Nausea and vomiting can make it hard enough to eat for one, let alone two; pregnancy restrictions can make consumption a somewhat complicated prospect (which tuna is the safe tuna again?); and while eating extra might seem nice, it definitely doesn't mean eating extra Ho-Hos and cookie dough.

Actually, cookie dough is out completely. See No. 8.
Almost all women gain weight when they're pregnant. They're supposed to. A pregnant woman has greater energy requirements and has to eat enough to provide all the nutrition both she and her growing child need. Most practitioners recommend 300 extra calories per day starting out (more in the last trimester) and an average 25 to 35 pounds (11 to 15 kilograms) of weight gain over the entire pregnancy. The source of those additional 300 calories matters. Pregnancy nutritional requirements are pretty specific and relate to the needs of both a pregnant body and a new, developing one.

Some of the dos and don'ts of a pregnancy diet are a sure thing, others are educated guesses, and some are controversial. One thing nearly all pregnant women and their doctors can agree on, though, is that erring on the side of caution is the way to go. In this article, we'll look at some areas of a diet that require high caution, some foods that are essential for a growing baby, and some nutritional additions that may help with some of pregnancy's rougher side effects.

We'll begin with one of the most obvious and crucial pregnancy-diet tips. This got a pregnant woman kicked out of a pub in England.

30 Diet Tips – To Help You Lose Weight Healthily

1. Stay clued up

Knowledge is power. By arming yourself with the facts about healthy diet, and ignoring the fads, you are more likely to build confidence in your abilities and achieve your weight loss goals.
WLR can help! Long term weight control is about being realistic, and enjoying healthy eating and exercise habits for life – and reaping all the benefits.

2. Have clear motivations

Write down your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Having clearly identified reasons helps your feeling of commitment. Try to include reasons that aren’t just about appearance, for example, ‘will help me feel fit enough to do more of the things of I want to do’ or ‘will help my back pain’. Looking back on them can also be a very useful motivator if the going gets tough.

3. Keep a food diary

Writing down what you eat and drink and any thoughts linked to that eating helps you become more aware of your eating habits and problem areas. Recognising what is going on and understanding more about yourself is a powerful way to start planning changes to your diet and puts you in control.

Keeping a food diary, even intermittently, also helps you stay on track, and lets you look back to see the great progress you’ve made.

4. Weight goals

Losing 5-10% of your weight is an ideal target, according to research. This can be broken down into smaller manageable steps, for example, 4-5lbs at a time. Remember too that just keeping your weight stable is a great achievement in itself these days. Losing modest amounts of weight are not just easier to keep off but bring big health benefits. For example, if you are overweight, losing 5-10% of your weight can halve your risk of.

5. Set realistic goals

When making changes to your diet and exercise habits start small and set a few realistic goals. If they are realistic, you are more likely to achieve and stick with them and feel successful, which in turn boosts your self-esteem and self-confidence for ongoing success.

6. Work out how to achieve your goals

Setting a goal ideally includes a plan for how to achieve it, and how to overcome things that might get in the way such as trigger eating (see below), poor food choices at work, eating the kid’s leftovers or too many takeaways. Writing your goals and action plans helps enormously.

7. Trigger eating

Much of the eating we do when we aren’t hungry, or the cravings we have, is a habit-like response to a variety of triggers. These can be external, such as the sight or smell of food, or internal and emotion-led, such as a response to stress, anger, boredom or emptiness.

A food diary helps you recognise this ‘trigger’ or which in turn places you in a better position to deal with it. For example, make a conscious choice to eat (or not to eat - see below) a food. Or plan ways to avoid triggers in the first place, for example, keep ‘binge’ foods out of the house or join an evening class to keep you away from the TV, crisps and wine bottle!

8. Be a conscious eater

Try to make conscious choices about what you eat, especially when tempted to overeat. For example, ask yourself, ‘I can eat this if I want to, but do I really feel like it?’ You can then choose to eat it (or some of it), or not, as you will have considered the consequences. Not only will it help you feel in control and achieve your goals, it will stop you feeling deprived.

9. Coping with cravings

If unwanted  do strike, acknowledge them – have a chat to them even – then distract yourself, for example, with a chore, a more involving task, go out for a walk, call a friend or colleague, play with the kids, or paint your nails. Like a wave, cravings rise then ebb away. By waiting 15 minutes and ‘surfing’ the craving, you should find they pass away – and your conscious choice becomes simple.

10. Eat regular meals

Regular meals, starting with  help you to regulate how much you eat by stabilising blood sugar levels and allowing you to recognise natural feelings of hunger and fullness. They also stop you worrying about hunger as you will know your next meal or snack is not far away! And a healthy breakfast, is not only linked to long term weight control success, but a healthier, more nutritious diet overall.

11. Plan ahead

Plan ahead to ensure the right foods are available at the right time. Think about breakfast, lunch, healthy snacks and an evening meal. Have some ready meals in the fridge (serve with extra veg) for those emergency moments. Planning can take extra time and effort, but it will soon become a habit that will really make a difference.
Losing weight healthily can be easy and doesn't have to cost a fortune if you plan ahead. Try our  to get you started.

12. Beware ‘all or nothing’ thinking’

You know that feeling when you really overdo the chocolate or a night out and think you’ve blown it so may as well give up – and keep on eating… The blow out isn’t a problem, but your reaction could be.
Lapses are a normal part of change. You can’t be, nor need to be perfect 100% of the time to lose weight. Doing well 80-90% of the time is great progress. Rather than feel you have failed and give up, look at what you can learn from a bad day or week and plan to do things differently in the future. Then forgive, talk positively to yourself about what you have achieved already, and get back on track.

13. Build in some fave foods

It’s fine to build some fave foods into your healthy diet plan. Successful slimmers do it as it helps them avoid feeling deprived. Make sure you choose quality foods that you really feel like eating (do you fancy sweet, savoury, crunchy, creamy at that time?), sit down, eat slowly and savour them.
Deciding on what you will truly enjoy (and knowing that you can have it again another time if you want to) adds satisfaction and means you’re likely to be happy with a small amount.

14. Reward yourself

If you have set yourself some specific goals, for example, to have regular meals, or lose 3lbs in 2 weeks or eat your 5 a day, reward yourself when you have achieved it for example, with a new CD, seeing a movie, a new hairstyle, or outfit. It will also help to plan a big reward for when you have achieved your longer term weight goal. You will definitely deserve it.

15. Get some support

It could be from a friend, partner, colleague at work, self-help group, health professional, health club, slimming group, book, tape or video,  Have a good chat with your supporters about how they can best help you. Getting the right support is a vital part of long term .

16. Keep it balanced

Make meals automatically healthy, balanced and satisfying. Half fill your plate with plenty of vegetables and salad and divide the other half between lean protein-rich foods such as lean meat, chicken, fish, pulses, Quorn or tofu and healthy carbs such as pasta, new potatoes, Basmati or brown rice.

17. Eat without distractions

Don’t let your best efforts to control how much you eat be sabotaged by doing something else during meals. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who ate while listening to a story on the radio ate 70 calories more than women who ate with no distractions.

18. Avoid crash diets

They may be tempting, but a crash diet ultimately leads to rebound weight gain and feelings of failure.
The American Heart Association has "declared war" on crash diets, which they say "can undermine people’s health, can’t be followed for long, cause physical discomfort, and lead to disappointment when people regain the weight soon after." Still tempted?

19. Be active

 and staying that way is one of the key strategies for long term success. Finding something you enjoy, and can fit into daily life helps ensure you keep it up.  suits many people (see below), but gardening, dancing, team sports, gym workouts, martial arts, any active hobby all count. Doing it with someone else boosts motivation too.

20. Step 10,000

Aim to walk briskly for a total of 45 minutes each day to burn around 2000 calories a week (250 to 300 calories a day). Or buy a pedometer from a sports’ shop or via the internet and build up to doing 10,000, then if you can 15,000 steps – over the day. Research now shows that this level of daily activity is most effective for weight control.

21. More good reasons to be active

Regular physical activity, especially if you include some not only burns calories and boosts mood and energy levels but can build muscle. Muscle burns loads more calories than body fat, and just a 3 pound increase in the amount of muscle in your body can potentially burn enough extra calories to lose an extra 10lbs over a year.

22. Spice up your cooking skills

Cut fat but not flavour with herbs, spices, lemon juice, tomato paste, wine, low fat fromage frais, olives, capers, chilli, and sauces with less than 5g fat per 100g. Grill, stir fry, bake, steam, char-grill, BBQ or microwave. A low fat cook book helps too – not to mention WLR’s fab recipes.

23. Read food labels – carefully

Check portion size, numbers of portions per package, and calorie content to make sure you aren’t getting more than you bargained for. Check and compare similar products too – as there can be big calorie differences between brands. And remember that ‘low fat’ doesn’t mean ‘low calorie’.

24. Fill up on low energy density foods

Foods like vegetables, salad, fruit, chunky soups, low fat pasta sauces, low fat dairy foods, porridge, vegetable-based casseroles, beans, fish and lean meat are great building blocks of every meal and snack. They have a low energy density (low number of calories per bite), most have a low  and all are not only healthy but help you feel fuller for longer.

25. Drink plenty

Have at least 6-8 glasses or cups of low calorie drinks over the day – more if you are hot or exercising.
The aim is to keep your urine a light straw colour – if it’s dark you need to drink more. Drinking plenty helps you feel fuller and stops you confusing thirst with hunger, and eating when you really just need a drink. Spicy tomato or vegetable juice or a berry fizz (puree some fresh berries and top up with fizzy mineral water) are great, low cal between meal (or early evening) satisfiers to stop the nibbles – or the wine, if you want to cut back.

26. Practise saying ‘no’

We are often pressured to eat when we aren’t hungry. If you really don’t want to eat something, learning to say ‘no, thank you’ takes practise as we may feel we are upsetting others. But you are in fact looking after your own needs. First practice saying ‘no’ at home by yourself. It will soon get easier.

27. Keep food out of sight

Food is everywhere – on TV, magazines, shops, petrol stations - and can trigger cravings. At home, keep weakness foods out of sight, or out of the house! Serve meals onto plates rather than from dishes on the table. And steer clear of buffet meals – studies show they encourage us to eat more.

28. Watch portion sizes

Keep a careful eye on , when eating out or serving up your own meals at home.
The WLR approach will automatically help you with this, while you keep your calorie tally over the day. It isn’t always what you eat that can make weight loss tricky, but how much. This can be especially true for dishes like bowls of pasta or their intrinsic ‘healthiness’ makes it easy to forget the portion size and calorie content.

29. Eat out wisely

  • ‘Bank’ some calories for your meal out
  • Try not to view every meal out as an indulgent treat  is now a regular part of life and 
  • Skip high fat butter, dressings, garlic bread, cream or cheese sauces, pastry, deep fried, battered foods and indulgent pudds (unless served with 4 spoons!)
  • Pile your plate with vegetables or salad
  • Watch the booze – quench thirst with water

30. Believe in Yourself

This final diet tip is just as important as the tips about eating and exercise.
If things go wrong don’t panic. Learning new habits takes time. Think back to when you learned to ride a bike. No-one expected you to do it the first time. You no doubt fell off a lot and needed picking up, with help along the way. Step by step you took control of that bike and learned how to keep it on course.
How you think, affects how you feel, and in turn the actions you take. Believe in yourself every day. Focus on what you want – being fitter, healthier – rather than how unfit you are. Setting realistic goals and having positive expectations will make all the difference.