Natural Remedies


Tis the Seasoning

Peppermint isn't the only herb with a lot to offer."Seasonings can help with everything from insulin regulation to indigestion," says Wendy Bazilian, R.D., author of The The SuperFoods Rx Diet. Seek out these seasonal spices for great flavor and benefits


Sail Through the Week

Monday is a mind-swirling blur. Tuesday sees a spike in stress levels, and Wednesday requires a Herculean effort just to get out the door. With a schedule as packed as yours, how can you create some bona fide breathing room?

The answer lies in slow, restorative yoga poses that you can do in just 5 to 10 minutes a day. "When you stay in a pose without exerting muscular effort, the fascia and ligaments, or connective tissues of your body, get a rare chance to stretch," explains Noel Schroeder, a Boston-area yoga teacher and co-creator of the DVD "Notice Your Experience." Stretching these supportive tissues also opens pathways of vital energy (known as "nadis" in the yogic tradition, or meridians in Chinese medicine) that run throughout the body.

Schroeder designed the following pose-a-day yoga plan as a powerful antidote to life's daily stressors. Use it to ease into your day or to undo tension in the evening -- or both.


Dr. Andrew Weil, founder of the University of Arizona's Program in Integrative Medicine, recommends the following supplements as part of a program for healthy aging. They provide important nutrients, prevent inflammation, bolster your immune system, support your liver, and increase your energy levels.
Dr. Weil recommends selecting one that fits the following criteria:

Does not contain preformed vitamin A, often indicated as retinol.

Gives you a mixture of carotenoids (lutein, lycopene, as well as other members of this family of antioxidant pigments), not just beta-carotene.

Provides vitamin E as mixed, natural tocopherols (or mixed tocotrienols), not just as d-alpha-tocopherol or, worse, synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol.

Provides 50 milligrams each of most B vitamins, except folic acid (at least 400 mcg) and vitamin B12 (at least 50 mcg).

Does not contain much more than 200 milligrams of vitamin C, which is all the human body can use in a day.

Provides at least 400 IU of vitamin D (but you'll need to take additional vitamin D to get Dr. Weil's recommended daily intake of 1,000 IU).

Does not contain iron, unless you are menstruating, pregnant, or have documented iron-deficiency anemia.

Contains no more than 200 mcg of selenium, a key antioxidant mineral.

Provides some calcium, preferably as calcium citrate (although most women and some men need to take additional calcium to maintain bone health).

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