Exercises Your Body

Exercises Your Body

The squat is a compound, full-body exercise that works more than one muscle group. This powerful exercise helps tone your glutes, strengthen your body and burn a lot of calories. To boost your calorie expenditure and raise your heart rate, you can try to do jump squats. Or stay in a squat hold with dumbbells in the hands to increase the resistance as well as feel the burn. Doing squats regularly is one of the best ways to transform your body as well as improve your physical health. If you sit all day at work or at home, you are at higher risk of serious disease. Why not do several squats whilst waiting for your dinner to cook, the kettle to boil, or your PC to boot up? Sometimes multitasking Isa
great thing!
 Unfortunately, many people avoid doing pushups since this exercise is a bit harder to perform, but it can do wonders for your body. There are plenty of different pushups that work the different muscles in the shoulders and arms. Try to vary your pushup style to lower your risk of becoming bored with exercise. Not only do pushups work the upper body, but also work the core. Do pushups a few days a week to help sculpt the arms and overall transform the body. Plus, pushups are good for your heart and cardiovascular health and this exercise helps to improve your posture. Just make sure you do them correctly – learn to do pushups with your back straight to reduce back pain and avoid straining your back.

Exercises That Will Transform Your Body

Exercises That Will Transform Your Body

Looking for some effective ways to transform your body? There are a few great exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal. These exercises are easy but effective in strengthening your body along with burning unwanted calories. However, sticking to these exercises is not enough to transform your body, you should also eat healthy and get enough sleep regularly. Don’t waste your precious time doing other workouts, here are seven exercises that will help you transform your body in no time.

Jumping rope


Jumping rope

When was the last time you jumped rope? Perhaps in your childhood. Jumping rope is a cheap and easily portable exercise that you can do almost anywhere. This workout burns more calories per minute than any other workout. Get jumping for a perfect exercise and plenty of fun. One of the best things about jumping rope is that you can do it with your kids. Moreover, jumping rope is a fantastic way to fit in a highly effective cardio session when you are on the go. Simply toss your jumping rope in your carry-on and you don’t need to look for the nearest gym. So, who said jumping rope is only for kids?

Drugstore Versus Salon Hair Color

drugstore vs salon

More than 75% of women dye their hair to hide gray, add highlights, or change their natural color altogether. Whether opting for subtle traces of blond or going for an all-over change, coloring your hair can be a striking makeover … or a complete disaster. Most of us have at least one hair dye horror story, and it doesn't matter where we got it done, at home or at the salon.
So, the big question most women have is whether it is better to dye their hair themselves or to head to a salon and let a pro do the work.

Should You Dye Your Hair at Home?

The answer is … Yes! The most obvious reason to choose an at-home hair dye kit is cost. If you dye your hair 6 to 12 times a year at a salon (6 salon visits is common), you could save $400 to $2,000 (or more!) by doing it yourself. Also, dyeing your hair at home allows you to do it when your schedule permits, and the process is less time-consuming than going to a salon.
You may have heard that drugstore hair dyes are inferior or harsher than the dyes used in salons, but that is absolutely not true. The way hair dyes function and the ingredients used to make them do not differ between the drugstore dyes and the salon dyes. In fact, many of the companies that manufacture dyes for the major drugstore color lines also make the dyes used by salons!
Would you be more satisfied with the results from dyeing your hair at the salon? Possibly, but statistics show that women who color their hair at home are as pleased (or displeased) with their results as women who have their hair dyed at a salon.

Is It Better to Get Your Hair Dyed at the Salon?

So, why go to a salon at all given the number of do-it-yourself dye options? Dyeing hair can be a messy process— just one small spill can make a disaster of your bathroom. Not having to worry about cleaning up can be a very good thing.
Then there's the matter of experience and skill: A professional colorist has the advantage of knowing the ins and outs of dyeing hair because of their training and education and their daily experience. This is especially true if you want to add highlights or lowlights without frying your hair or applying the strands unevenly. (Getting to the back of your head isn't easy—you practically have to be a contortionist to get this right!)
Plus, in most cases, if you have it done at a salon and you're not happy with the results, they'll fix any problems for you at no extra cost. (Ask about this ahead of time to be sure that's the policy of the salon you want to visit.)

When You Absolutely Should Get Your Hair Dyed at the Salon

There are five major situations where a salon experience is preferred to dyeing your hair yourself:

  1. You want to lighten your hair more than three shades from your natural color. Regardless of how dark your hair is, if you want to lighten it significantly, think twice before doing it yourself. All dark hair contains at least some red pigment, and that can become overly evident in the lightening process if you don't know how to correct for it. It is also difficult to lighten dark hair in a one-step process. Making dark hair lighter is a two-step process: first, removing the existing color from your hair, and second, toning or adding the shade (and its nuances) you want it to be. Those two distinct processes are difficult to get right on your own, so your odds are far better with an experienced hair colorist.

  2. You have dark hair and want to dye it red. This is one you shouldn't do at home or at the salon, but at least someone at the salon will tell you not to do it, and give you some better alternatives. There is no way around this one: It is impossible to make black or very dark brown hair red or even dark red without ending up with a very strange hair color, often an odd shade of purple or burgundy that looks drastic and artificial.
  3. You have natural red or blonde hair and want to dye it red. It doesn't matter what color your hair is, it is hard to dye hair red. To figure out whether or not your hair can end up the shade you want, it is essential that you discuss it with a professional colorist. Those with light to medium brown hair tend to have the most success dyeing their hair a red or auburn shade, whether at home or at the salon. But, if you try this at home, ALWAYS do a strand test first so you know how long to time the dye and what the color will look like.
  4. You're trying to fix a problem. Mistakes and bad dye jobs happen, whether you dye at home or go to a salon. You can always call the hair color consumer hotlines at L'Oreal, Clairol, Garnier, or Revlon, but you should also seriously consider getting help from a professional. Trying to fix the problem on your own will, in all likelihood, only make matters worse.
  5. You have light hair and want to make it darker. In theory this is not a difficult process to do yourself, as lighter hair will easily grab a darker shade. The tough part is trying to end up with something resembling a natural shade! If you opt to try this at home, it is essential that you perform a strand test first, as indicated in the instructions for the dye, and note how long it takes your light hair to process to the color you want. Skipping this step is a recipe for light-to-dark-hair disaster!
If you decide to get you hair dyed at a salon, you can always do it there the first time, and then do at home the next, saving money and helping with your schedule. For example, Paula gets her hair dyed at the salon every other time she dyes her hair. She uses Clairol Root Touch-Up by Nice 'n Easy between dyes or when she's traveling to just touch up the roots. (You never see Paula with gray roots!)
So, there are reasons to dye your hair yourself as well as reasons to get it done at a salon, or, do both, which is what we recommend. This is a brilliant way to save money, have the hair color you want as often as you want and when you want, and get professional guidance from a trusted colorist.

10 Hair Rules You're Probably Breaking

10 Hair Rules You're Probably Breaking

1) Find a shampoo that lathers less. Sudsy doesn't necessarily mean clean—sometimes, it means the opposite. Shampoos that lather too much are often overloaded with moisturizing products, which can leave build-up in your hair, making it look and feel dirtier quicker. So opt for a sulfate-free formula.

2) Give your locks a burst of cold. Before you hop out of the shower, turn the cold water on for a second and quickly rinse it through your strands. It helps seal the cuticle, adding a sleek finish to your locks.

3) Play hot-and-cold as you dry. When using a round brush to dry your hair in sections, start from the roots and dry all the way to the ends, letting the brush linger at the tips of your strands. Let your hair cool off like this on its own for five seconds, then repeat on another section. Alternating between heat and cool-down time helps set your style, and your blowout will have more body.

4) Do an at-home glaze between color appointments. Glazes fill holes and rough spots in your hair cuticles, helping smooth your locks and put moisture back into your hair. This keeps your color shiny and bright so it lasts longer and look better. Plus, you can snag an at-home kit from your local drugstore.

5) Use rollers for high-volume. For sex-kitten lift, blow out your locks until they're dry. Then, section off the hair on top of your head—between your temples and all the way back to the crown of your hair. Divide that section into three smaller sections vertically (as if you were making a mohawk), and wrap each in a 2-inch velcro hair roller. Let your hair sit like this for 30 minutes, and then unwrap your strands, lightly comb them out, and spray for hold.

6) Drop the towel. Keeping wet strands wrapped in a towel for a half-hour as you do your make-up will just cause frizz! The roughness of the cotton forces your hair cuticles open, making them more likely to go every-which-way. Instead, squeeze out excess water as soon as you're out of the shower, then let your hair air-dry for five or ten minutes before blowdrying.

7) Apply products 10 minutes before you style. Whether you're curling, straightening, or whatevering, applying product 10 minutes in advance helps it fully absorb into your strands so you get all of its benefits and more bang for your buck.

8) Wrap—don't clamp—your hair for quick curls. When using a curling iron, you don't need to fasten your locks to the barrel. Wrap sections around the iron and hold in place for about 10 seconds to score the same soft, sexy curls.

9) Use spray bottles as your new lazy-day BFF. If you wake up and your locks are totally flat or grungy from the day before, just spray the top layer of your hair until damp, and then use a big barrel roundbrush (2 inches or more) to blow your locks dry. You'll score high volume on that top layer, and since it's freshly blown out, you'll create the illusion of all-over smooth hair.

10) Use dry shampoo a different way. Instead of waiting until your locks need an dirt-fighting pick-me-up, apply a dab of dry shampoo to your roots immediately after you wash and dry them. Though your hair's already clean, the barrier will stave off the debris and oil your strands will collect throughout the day before it hits.

20 Best Hair Tips You’ll Ever Read

20 Best Hair Tips You’ll Ever Read 


A woman’s hair is her crown, and it’s no secret that if you love how your hair looks, you’ll feel like you can take on the world. Though it’s virtually impossible to never have a http://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/shortcuts-for-healthy-hair.html again, there are some quick, every day tips that will help to keep your hair looking good the majority of the time. Whether you’re trying to get your hair healthier, wondering about whether or not to color or you’re simply searching for ways to make styling your hair easier, below are 20 of the best hair tips you’ll ever read.
1. To keep flyaways at bay, spray hairspray onto a clean toothbrush and brush back any rogue hairs.
2. If you have a appointment, use a deep conditioning mask about three days beforehand so that the color can really be absorbed into your strands.
3. Growing out your hair? There are certain http://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/hair-care-tips.html, like salmon, yellow peppers, eggs and more.

MORE: 8 Foods That Make Your Hair Grow Faster

4. For static-y hair, run a dryer sheet over your head to prevent your hair from getting clingy.
5. Thinking of a major hair makeover? Try on the new hairstyle you want in our salon before making a big commitment you may regret.
6. Never use a brush on wet hair. Stick to a wide toothed comb to avoid breakage when your hair is wet.
7. Instead of drying your hair with a towel, use a t-shirt. Rubbing hair with a terry cloth towel can cause friction, leading to frizz and breakage, but with a cotton t-shirt, excess water is absorbed without any friction.
8. The textured side of the bobby pin is actually the side that should rest against your head for optimal hold.
9. To make your blowout last longer, hit your hair with your http://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/07/tips-for-healthy-hair.htmlon the cool setting once you’re done styling. Heat styles hair, but cool air sets it.
10. Dry shampoo not only absorbs excess oil in your hair, it also gives it volume. Even if your hair is squeaky clean, apply dry shampoo at the root to give it an extra lift.

11. Help protect your hair color and make it last longer, by using a UV-protection hairspray and use it before heading outside year-round, not just in the summer.
12. To get your bobby pins to really stay in place, spray them with hairspray before putting them in your hair.
13. When applyinghttp://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/07/8-homemade-hair-treatments.html, stick to the ends of your hair, not the roots. By applying at your ends, you’ll help smooth out any dry, split ends.
14. If you’re going to color your hair at home, only move two shades away from your current color, whether it be lighter or darker.
15. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase can help to decrease the amount of breakage happening to your hair when you toss and turn throughout the night.
16. To keep blonde hair color pure, use silver shampoo.
17. While you’re at the gym, use three stacked hair elastics for your ponytail instead of one, which will help keep the lengths of your hair off of your neck.

MORE: How to Look Great at the Gym

18. When styling your hair, keep in mind that dirty hair holds style better. If your hair is clean, use products like extemporizing spray and root powder to give it better hold.
19. Know what your hair type is, and style accordingly. Many women believe they have thick hair when it’s actually fine hair and vice avers, but once you diagnose which hair type you have, you can take care of it properly.
20. A low heat setting on a hot styling tool can be just as dangerous as a high heat setting, because on a lower heat you’ll be passing over your hair more frequently. Set your tools on a medium temperature to keep things in moderation.

36 Best Hair Tips Ever

 36 Best Hair Tips Ever

Everyday Essentials

1‘If possible wash hair daily - think how dirty your face gets by the end of a day, and you take your hair to the same places.
‘A mini daily scalp massage is great for hair; spend two minutes gently kneading the scalp to improve blood flow as a healthy scalp

3‘Rubbing hair with a towel is one of the most damaging things. After that it's over-heating the hair with driers, curling wands and straightening irons.

Style Secrets

4 ‘Stop blow dryinghttp://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/home-care-tips-for-healthy-hair.html once hair is dry; it’s using it on already dried hair that does the damage.

5 ‘Throw away your dryer nozzle, you don’t need it plus it can lead to excessive damage.
6 ‘On wet hair use a wide tooth comb and always gently ease out knots from the ends upwards.
7 ‘Take a look at your hair before you automatically shampoo/style it, often a blast of dry shampoo or a little hairspray will mean that you don't have to restyle that day.

8 ‘Just as you select your moisturizerhttp://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/tips-for-healthy-hair_12.html to suit your skin type, you should select the right kinds of styling products for your hair to look its best.
9 ‘Dry, split ends make hair look dull and lifeless and having them trimmed off is the fast way to getting hair in good condition.

Supermodel Style

10 ‘For that swept supermodel fringe, blow dry http://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/shortcuts-for-healthy-hair.htmlit all forward and quite flat down over your face.Then push it all to the side to finish the look.
11 ‘If you want to get real supermodel hair like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley or Gisele, rough dry the hair and then take random sections and wrap around big tongs, the secret is to leave the roots and at least an inch/half-inch at the ends and just tong the middle section.
12 ‘Hot or warm hair can be molded into any shape or style; to create perfect waves at home, simply twist hair up into a tight bun straight after blow-drying and leave to cool for as long as possible. Let it down once cool and you’ll have natural waves with no effort!

13 ‘For wild sexy hair, blow-dry with your head upside down using your fingers to tousle and add texture.

Colour Me Beautiful

14 ‘Book a conditioning treatment when your color is done or use an over-night deephttp://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/tips-and-shortcuts-for-healthy-hair.htmlconditioning treatment soon after.
15 ‘Always have a consultation before you have your colour done. Take in tear sheets of hair colour that you like and also the colour you don’t want - aim to take five you love, five you hate.
16 ‘With a new colour you need to be fully aware of what you are committing to - if you want to go very blonde you can’t use straighteners every day, also how often will your roots need doing?
17 ‘If you love your color – take a lot of pictures so your hairdresser will remember on the next appointment.

Be a DIE Expert

18 ‘Use a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week, it only takes 60 seconds to apply and it makes a huge difference.

19For an easy, at-home concoction for healing scalps and increasing shine mix 2 tablespoons each of almond, olive and coconut oil, massage through from the ends of the hair to the roots and leave in for one hour. Wash thoroughly after.
20 ‘For the perfect at-home blowdry, always use a leave-in conditioner or blow dry lotion as a heat protectant and cuticle smoother. Use a root booster/volumiser on the roots and comb through to give lasting volume and hold, then use large round brushes and blow-dry section by section.
21 ‘Use a hair mask then cover with a plastic shower cap and add a little warmth from a hair dryer to get the treatment to work deeper into the hair. Always rinse well and finish with a blast of cool water to ensure maximum results.

22For a great DIE blow dry, rough dry your hair to about 90% and then for the last 10% only, dry the hair with a brush for a smooth finish.

Little Extras

23 ‘For an instant grey/root cover up, blend powder eye shadow into hair and hold in place with hairspray for a quick fix until you can see your colourist.
24 ‘Don’t make rash decisions – if you want a drastic change after a break-up or having a baby really think it through and see at least two stylists before any major change. Plan, never be impulsive when it comes to your hair.
25 ‘Shoulder bag straps and pushing sunglasses uphttp://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/quick-tips-and-shortcuts-for-healthy.htmlon top of the head can cause breakage to hair - especially on fine and colored hair.

26 ‘Go to bed with very slightly damp hair so you wake up with a messy texture.

27‘There’s this belief that once you reach 40 you should get your hair cut, but long hair can look great as you get older as long as you look after it
28 ‘Be warned; short hair doesn’t suit all face shapes. You could be too tall or have a really long neck.

Secret Weapons

29 ‘I can’t live without my . It’s amazing for all hair types and I always keep one in my kit.
30 ‘For fine, thinning hair use a brush to stimulate the scalp and encourage hair growth. Take a  over the scalp and brush through to the ends. Alternatively use a paddle brush on dry hair.
31 ‘For hair that really needs some persuasion to hold volume use a fine tooth pin tail comb to backcomb the root areas, then spritz the backcombed sections with or dry shampoo.
32 ‘I swear by dry shampoo, I can’t live without it. Use it on freshly washed hair to add texture and volume. Never spray directly on to partings or roots and always spray in sections.
33 ‘Use the day after a blow dry to revive volume. For very fine hair, use it immediately after a blowdry to create great volume and incredible texture.

34 ‘For all-day volume add or  to roots with your finger tips, and blast dry with your head upside down.
35  is like backcombing-in-a-can;http://cool-health-guidelines.blogspot.com/2014/08/hair-care-tips.html use on its own or before backcombing to really give gutsy body at the roots.

36 ‘For smooth, shiny hair, evenly spread a pea-size blob of all over your palms and then use over mid-lengths and ends of hair.

Home care tips for healthy hair

Home care tips for healthy hair Woman washing her hair
The real care of your hair starts from your home especially when it comes to your diet, the kind of externals you apply on your hair and the scalp. Here are suggestions that will help. Home remedies help in taking good care of the hair and the scalp as well so make sure to follow all these depending on your hair and scalp type.

Tip 1 - For cleansing your scalp the following tips will be of great help

Shampoo can be home-made so you can make your own shampoo, this can be a mixture of reetha, amla, shikakai which you need to soak overnight and boil the mixture the next morning till the half of it remains behind. Further cool it and strain off the vegetative matter and this can work as the best shampoo for your scalp.

-For people who have got lice in their hair can use tea tree oil and it can be used in the form of shampoo as well. Along with lice problem this mixture helps one to solve bacterial infections and fungal problems.

-Chamomile washes help the hair to restore its shine and luster.

Tip 2 - For conditioning your hair the following tips will prove really beneficial

-You will be surprised to know that mayonnaise acts as a good conditioner for your hair and all you need to do is apply half a cup of it on the hair and leave it for 15 minutes by covering it with a plastic bag. You can then wash them with a shampoo.

-Using rose-water on the hair shaft helps in treating dry hair problems. Also you can apply a mixture of olive oil and honey to a ripe papaya mash and apply it on your hair and shampoo the hair after an hour.

-If you have got oily hair then this is what you should do, apply a mixture of Multan mitt hi, lama, Retha and Ashikaga and shampoo it after 40 mind.

Tip 3 - For strengthening the hair make sure to follow the tips mentioned below

-Using castor oil for hair loss has been proven to be beneficial since ages and so one can go for its regular application to prevent hair loss problem.

-Almond oil works greatly on the hair and adds shine and luster on it. It helps to a great extent in nourishing your hair and also in smoothing the hair cuticles. It helps in making your hair healthy and beautiful and adds shine to your hair

Tips for Healthy Hair

 Tips for Healthy Hair

If you can’t maintain your cut at home yourself, it’s probably too high-maintenance.

Speedy Solution


A good (that is, easy to style) haircut is a matter of engineering: The key is to work with the texture of your hair. If it’s fine and straight, consider a blunt chin- to shoulder-length bob; the hair will fall in sheets that stack up, building volume. Thicker straight hair works best with graduated layers that are shortest at the shoulder and taper down the back, which gives hair movement, so it doesn’t just hang there. If it’s fine but wavier, go for a shoulder-length or shorter layered look (think shaggy). The layers build body, and you won’t constantly be struggling to make your hair hang straight, as you would with a precise bob. And if your hair is thick and wavy, “you’ll look great with a one-length, at-the-shoulder or longer bob that flaunts your curl and has some weight, so it won’t get puffy,” says Ted Gibson, the owner-stylist of the Ted Gibson salons, in New York City and Fort Lauder dale. Another rule of thumb: “Use the weight of your hair and its natural texture to your advantage,” says Becquerel. In other words, when it comes to minimizing styling time, if you have heavier and thicker hair, you may want to wear it longer so that gravity will help keep it in place.

Tips for Healthy Hair

Tips for Healthy Hair

Chances are this has become automatic: You get in the shower, you wash your hair—whether it’s dirty or not. But that’s a mistake, say the pros, unless your hair is very oily. Over-washing will remove too much sebum (oil) from the scalp and dry out strands, even if you’re using shampoo touted as gentle.

Speedy Solution


Most women need to shampoo only three times a week—and less often if their hair is on the dry side. “Many of my clients can stretch it up to six days,” says Josh. Less frequent washing means you’ll avoid not only excessive cleansing but also excessive blow-drying, another move that can leave hair parched. If you feel compelled to do something between washes, “rinse your scalp with water and condition the ends only,” says Gibson.

Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Time Drain: You Use Too Many Products

This may be your problem if your hair is greasy, dull, limp, or lifeless, or if you get “product dandruff” (little dry flakes of excess style that fall on your shoulders). If you’re layering product upon product and still not getting the results you want—then compensating by layering on even more—that’s another sure sign you’re overdoing it or choosing the wrong products, says Paul Becquerel, the owner and creative director of the Paul Becquerel Salons and Spas, in New York City. “You need only four things: shampoo, conditioner, style, and finisher,” he says. Any more and you’ll weigh down your hair and diminish the results—besides wasting time and money.

Speedy Solution


If you’ve got a case of product overload, get the excess gunk out by adding a tablespoon of white vinegar to your shampoo. (You can do this every week or two.) Then pick one product for each of your hair needs: for example, a color-protecting shampoo, a moisturizing conditioner, a root-lifting spray, and a shine-boosting silicone-based hair spray. If you can’t get the results that you want with those four products, then you may have the wrong haircut. (Keep reading.)

Tips and Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Tips and Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Time Drain: You Don’t Know How to Fix a Bad Hair Day

If your hair has gone haywire—because you have a cowlick or bed head or weather-induced frizz—you can rectify it in less than five minutes. But you need the right go-to style.

Speedy Solution


If you have short hair, make messiness work for you. “Apply a dime-size amount of pomade to your hair and tousle it with your fingers,” says Garrison. “This makes your hair instantly look modern yet put-together.” If you need a more polished style, make a deep side part and slick your hair down on both sides with gel or wax for a sleek finish. For longer hair, there’s always the artfully disheveled topknot (shown above), which is actually easy to execute: Garrison recommends putting your hair into a high ponytail, then dividing the tail into three sections, as if you were going to braid it. “Wrap the first section loosely around the elastic and bobby-pin it in place,” he says. “Continue with the other two sections, wrapping them in the same direction around the elastic and securing them with pins. This will create a big, slightly messy, high bun.”

Quick Tips and Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Quick Tips and Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Time Drain: You Color Too Frequently

Do you have your colorist on speed dial, ready to pounce at the first hint of root growth? You’ll be doing your hair a favor, not to mention saving a few hours, if you extend the time between color jobs. Torricelli says it’s ideal to hit the salon every six weeks. If you can make it eight, even better.

Speedy Solution

There are a few things you can do to stretch the time between salon visits. First, “if you have hard water—and you’ll know you do if it’s difficult to make soap or shampoo lather—use a shower filter, as heavy mineral content can strip color,” says Marie Robinson, a celebrity colorist and the owner of the Marie Robinson Salon, in New York City. Washing less frequently will extend color, too; when you do shampoo, use a formula that’s color-safe (which preserves vibrancy) or color-enhancing (which adds pigment). Last, “at-home glosses and glazes can protect the integrity of your hair and help seal in color pigments so that you experience less fading,” says Harry Josh, a stylist and a creative consultant for John Frieda. Try a product such as Oscar Blandi At Home Salon Glaze . Once a week, apply it after shampooing and conditioning, leave it on for three minutes, then rinse it out.

If grays are your issue, buy some time with a root touch-up kit. Try Clairol Root Touch-Up by Nice n’ Easy ($8, at drugstores). It’s designed to blend away grays with shades that match most colors. In fact, if you’re only about 20 percent gray, a root touch-up may let you skip every other trip to the salon. If you need to eke out a few more days, try the TouchBack Marker (available in eight shades, $30, to literally draw over grays between shampoos. Finally, never underestimate the power of optical illusions. Simply parting your hair in a different spot can uncover less exposed, and therefore less faded, hair. A blow-out can also amp up shine and make your hair look more vibrant.

7 Quick Tips and Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

7 Quick Tips and Shortcuts for Healthy Hair

Does your hair take more time than it should? If you’re reading this, the answer is probably yes. The experts are here to help, with seven styling shortcuts that will streamline your routine.

Cut Your Hair Time

Some women are slaves to fashion. Even more are held hostage by their hair. They’re constantly rushing to the colorist to beat back grays, fussing with rebellious bangs, waging war against their natural texture—and losing precious hours of their lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some common time-wasting traps into which you may have unwittingly fallen, along with that will set you free.

Time Drain: You Start Blow-Drying Too Soon

In the morning rush, do you attack your hair with a brush and a dryer immediately after stepping out of the shower? “There’s no upside to this,” says Kristina Torricelli, a celebrity hairstylist and a co-owner of the Gemini 14 Salon, in New York City. “It takes longer to style dripping-wet hair, and hair is less elastic when it’s wet, so it’s more prone to breaking from the tug of the brush.”

Speedy Solution

“It’s the last bit of moisture left in your hair that provides the set,” says Mark Garrison, the owner-stylist of the Mark Garrison Salon, in New York City. With that in mind, start by taking the nozzle off your dryer, flipping your head over, and blowing your hair around, just to get the excess water out. Then let it air-dry while you put on your makeup. When it’s about 80 percent dry, you’re ready to start styling. The exception: If your hair is very coarse, curly, or dry, air-dry by only 25 to 50 percent, to avoid introducing frizz into the equation. To make the most of your blow-out time, tailor your technique to the effect you’re after. If you’re going for volume, dry the roots first; that’s where liftoff happens. For a sleek look, blow all your hair to one side of your head (using it like a giant roller) until dry, then flip and flatten it to the other side.

Hair Care Tips

Designer clothing, perfectly applied makeup, and fine jewelry are all wasted if your hair looks greasy, dull, or messy. Fortunately, no one needs a hair salon or expensive hair products to have hair that looks professionally cared for and styled. With the right techniques for shampooing, drying, and styling your hair, it can be among your most attractive features.
We'll provide some useful hair-care tips in this article, starting with the basics.

Basic Hair Care

  • To minimize breakage, make sure that your hair is thoroughly wet before applying shampoo. Use no more than a quarter-size dollop, and rub the shampoo between your palms first. Lather for no more than 30 seconds.
  • After shampooing, rinse your hair with cool water to seal moisture in the hair shafts.
  • To distribute the natural oils in your hair, bend over and brush your scalp and hair from back to front until the scalp tingles; then massage the scalp with your fingertips.
  • Towel-dry your hair thoroughly before using a blow dryer. You'll save time and avoid damaging your hair with too much heat.
  • To cut down on static electricity, dampen your hairbrush before brushing.
  • Avoid using a brush on wet hair because it is subject to breakage. Comb out snarls.
  • If you suffer from a flaky scalp, try the following treatment every 2 weeks: Section your hair and rub the scalp with a cotton pad saturated with plain rubbing alcohol. Let the alcohol dry, then brush your hair and rinse thoroughly with warm water but don't shampoo.
  • To perk up permed hair between shampoos, lightly mist your hair with fresh water and push the curls into place with your fingers.
  • Dull, lifeless hair can be a sign of a poor diet. Try cutting down on cholesterol and fats.
  • Wait at least 48 hours after coloring hair to shampoo it. Every time you wet hair you open the cuticle -- so give hair time to seal in the color.
  • Beer can remove residue from your hair. Add 6 tablespoons beer to 1 cup warm water and pour it over your hair as a final rinse.
  • If your hair is prone to buildup from conditioners, styling gel, or hair spray, mix 1 tablespoon baking soda with your regular shampoo once a week. Rinse and dry as usual.
  • Use pomade sparingly to remove static, control flyaway ends, and add a glossy sheen to either straight or curly hair. Apply a very small amount to one hand, and liquefy it between your palms. Then run your hands through the hair. If braiding, apply before braiding and use it for small touch-ups.
  • Use gel after a braid is finished to smooth down loose or uncontrolled hairs. Apply it to your fingertip or to the end of a hairpin, directing it on top of the stray hairs to encourage them back into the braided pattern.
  • Use hair spray to hold the finished design in place. If you want a soft finish but need to control the hair, spray into the palm of your hand and then smooth over the surface of the hair to control flyaway strands.
  • Use a coated rubber band or a soft hair tie to secure ponytails and the ends of a braid to reduce the stress on the hair.
  • Use gel to control hair when you want a "wet" affect. Apply gel sparingly to your hair once styled. To use for braiding, apply it to all of the hair before you braid, or when you want a clean, off-the-face effect, you can apply it to the perimeter hairline where lengths tend to be shorter.
In the next section, we'll take a look at some homemade hair-care aids.